Monday, November 22, 2004

Last Friday, driving home from a very late night at work, I heard about the fight between the fans and the Pacers. Yesterday, the commissioner of the NBA, David Stern, issued his suspensions.

Now, I realize suspensions in this case are needed, to prevent players from pulling this stunt again. However, I feel the sentence on Ron Artest, though he is a certifiable looney, is too much. Half the season would have been fine, considering it was the fans that provoked him into action.

But what sanctions are there going to be against the fans? I'll tell you: none. That's right, the NBA will do, in all honesty, nothing. And this will cause the fans to get even more belligerent. This was not the only incident involving 'fans' in the past week or so: an Oklahoma Sooners 'RedNeck' was bumped into by a Nebraska Cornhusker player during warmups, and is now suing the player for assault. Also, during that game, we had the traditional orange throwing by the Sooner fans. Last time that occurred, an official was beaned and was in the hospital for quite a while with a concussion.

What happened to the fans? Nothing.

Here is what I would do: For the NBA - take 5 games, one for each division opponent to the Pistons (whose fans caused the fight), and turn those 5 games from home games to away games for the Pistons...and do not allow any refunds or discounts to the season ticket holders.

For Oklahoma - Change one conference home game next year to an away game.

In both cases, the fans will actually be punished, and will be put on notice that if you act up, you could well cost your chance to see further games. Both the Pistons and the Sooners would lose revenue from those games, which acts as a defacto fine to those organizations for not keeping control

And for Ron Artest? If I were him, and the suspension is upheld, I would sue the NBA for providing an unsafe working environment. That's exactly what happened, and the NBA is at fault for not having sufficient security available to handle the situation.

Friday, November 05, 2004

I normally only write to my local paper. Today, though, was an exception because it plays right into previous posts here.

The post I refer to is at

Dear Editors,

I am not a Tennessee native, I live in Nebraska, another 'red' state. I read, however, the article by Mr Tim Price calling conservatives and those who voted for Bush 'fascists'.

Mr. Price needs to go back to his history books at the University of Tennessee-Chattanooga and learn a little bit about what the meaning of the word 'fascism' is, as well as the related term that the left like himself like to label us conservatives as - Nazis.

Nazism first stands for 'National Socialist German Worker's Party'. This should first raise some suspicions about where Mr. Price is directing his statements, considering those of the Left in this country are the socialists. If one then looks into Mein Kampf, written by Hitler, you discover the four basic tenets of the Nazi beliefs. This includes control of the mass media to indoctrinate the people, as well as control of major industry. People are to become dependent on the goodness of the state to provide for them, while they work for the glory of the state. In other words, social programs keep the people in line. Lastly, of course, is the hatred of the Jewish people, but what does Hitler really say about this? He says the Jewish people control the banks, therefore the Nazis must take the banks back. But, Hitler also states that the Jews created Communism in order to subvert the Socialist ideals.

When Mr. Price, and others of his ilk, attack 'fascism', he is in fact attacking nationalism. Honestly, nationalism is a separate creed than fascism. Fascism and Nazism deal with the economics and government. Nationalism, however, is opposed by internationalism on one hand, and anarchy on the other. When those that support Mr. Price claim they are anarchists, they are in fact internationalists. Anarchy is the total absence of government. This does not mean people are 'equal', in fact anarchy is exactly the opposite of that. People are what they are, and the most powerful people rule. The days of the Tennessee frontier after the Revolutionary War are much closer to an anarchy situation than what the so-called anarchists want this day and age. They want communism, or in general parlayance, government-controlled equality. Everyone is to be forced into being equal. Not only is that the opposite of anarchy, it is also the opposite of capitalism.

As has been shown in the world, forced equality does not work. Freedom does. On Tuesday, the people of both Tennessee and Nebraska joined with over 50 million other people to vote for capitalism, for national pride which could be called nationalism, and for freedom.

Mr. Price and others want to take away your freedom in order to enforce their version of equality. Remember that the next time you go to the polls to vote.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Well, today is the day.

Do we reelect a President who saw us through 9/11, and understands the goals of terrorists?

Or do we elect a wimp, who can't show he really has any sort of plan at all?

You know who I am voting for, and though I am in a 'Red' state, I have already voted and encourage people to go out and vote FOR freedom, FOR women's rights, FOR America, in other words: FOR George W Bush.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Dear President Bush,

I want to thank you very much for running, and becoming, the President of the United States when you did. I do not believe this country could have survived as well as it has with another person in the most important profession in the world. You were strong while the media was panicking. You did what was right, first coming to my hometown, where we have the greatest military communication complex in the world, and then when you went to New York, to Ground Zero, you gave the speech of your life to a grieving nation.

But, you did not just stop at that. You understood the threat of terrorism. So, you took the fight to their backyard, since they had attacked our backyard. What has happened in Afghanistan has been nothing short of amazing, cementing with the election of a president of that country just today.

People continue to not understand your actions concerning Iraq. Iraq sponsored terrorism. Those who attack you do not understand there are more terrorists out there than just Osama Bin Laden. You know this, and with your leadership, not only is the evil of Saddam Hussein ended, but Libya has abandoned its nuclear program.

Domestically, I want to thank you for cutting my taxes. The increase in the exemption for individuals you got through Congress has improved my standard of living. In no small part due to the tax break, I am now the proud owner of a home.

My mother died just this June, due to medical complications from the medicine she was taking. However, if she was in the medical system that has been proposed by your opponents, she would have died long ago. People in Canada wait months for hip replacements, her original issue. She had osteoporosis, one of the many diseases that are being looked at for stem cells, so again, I want to thank you for being the first President to actually fund stem cell research.

So, thank you, Mr. President. I am rooting for your reelection.

Monday, October 25, 2004

Once again, an article appears in the media which claims Kerry is smart, Bush is dumb, and we Bush supporters are stupid.

Guess what?

The smartest woman in the world, Marilyn Vos Savant, supports Bush.

I support Bush, and my IQ has been measured in the 99th percentile.

Bush's IQ has been measured in the 95th percentile.

Kerry's IQ has been measured in the 91st percentile.

Bush may not have gotten good grades in school, but neither did I...because, in my case, my classes did not appeal to me. When the class did, even if it was outside of my field of study (Native American History and English Literature come to mind as qualifying), I did well. Same with the President. So, the President could not remember the name of some leaders of least he knows it isn't 'Lambert Field' either. He may not know where Saddam hid his WMDs (though Syria is a good educated guess), but he does know small things - like the Buckeyes play in Ohio and not Michigan, that being a mother is the most important job in the world, and that one should always double-check publicity photographs before being released to the media.

He also knows that if he's relying on votes from Animal Rights activists, one should not go hunting and kill a goose and be photographed with it.

There is a difference between intelligence and wisdom. Kerry may be intelligent, but he sure has shown how much of a moron he is in the wisdom department.

And what we need is a WISE leader, not a smart one.

Let's take a look at the headlines for today:

  • Kerry flubs question from sympathizer Couric
  • Edwards' Wife claims no riots if Kerry elected
  • Kerry lied about meeting Security Council
  • Kerry takes campaign donations from Osama front organization
  • US Military did not secure WMD-grade explosives in Iraq fast enough
4 hits on reality, 5 hits. If there were no WMDs in Iraq, then why have such high-grade explosives available?

God, I hope Kerry loses. We cannot survive him as President. I am very, very, very nervous though.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Hugh Hewitt has on his website a contest: in 250 words or less why vote for Bush, and why not Kerry.

I think I can do it in less:

George W Bush is a man that tells it like it is, to the best of his ability. It may offend, it may irritate, but no matter what the Left claims, he tells what he believes is the truth. He is fighting for America against the terrorists, for the safety of our families, for the spreading of our way of life and freedom throughout the world. He is doing all of this, and helping out less than $200k people by giving them tax breaks, and helping those making more than $200k to make more jobs.

John Kerry is a man who could not tell the truth if he tried. He believes in old, tired, and disproven communist/socialist philosophies, not in free enterprise. He is fighting against America, because he believes in One World Government, ran by the French and the UN. He is peddling a health care plan that would have killed my mother 9 years ago, because she would have died having to wait for a hip transplant. He wants no one but his Hollywood buddies and billionaire financiers to make over $200k.

That's why we CANNOT allow him to become President, and why we need George W Bush back in office for the next four years.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

From the President's reelection website:

John Kerry in the Senate: "The Man Who Wasn't There"

Yesterday on ABC's World News Tonight, John Kerry attempted to refute the notion that he has a thin record in the United States Senate, stating, "I've introduced many pieces of legislation that are the law of the land today…" The reality is that during his 19 years in the United States Senate, only five bills and four resolutions John Kerry has been a lead sponsor on have become laws. These bills and resolutions are listed below, following a quote from Dick Morris on Kerry's meager Senate record during the Clinton years.

Dick Morris: Kerry Is A "Back-Bencher." "Where did his 20 years in the Senate go? Oddly, his absence of biography confirms the impression I formed of him during my White House years: He's a back-bencher. I never can recall a single time that his name came up in any discussion of White House strategy on anything. He was the man who wasn't there." (Dick Morris, "The Bagel Candidacy," The New York Post, 7/30/04)

Kerry's Five Bills That Became Law:

  1. A Bill To Amend The Small Business Act With Respect To The Women's Business Center Program. (S. 791, Latest Major Action: 12/9/1999 Became Public Law No: 106-165)
  2. A Bill To Redesignate The Federal Building Located At 380 Trapelo Road In
    Waltham, Massachusetts, As The "Frederick C. Murphy Federal Center." (S.
    1206, Latest Major Action: 4/14/1994 Became Public Law No: 103-234)
  3. A Bill To Authorize Appropriations For The Marine Mammal Protection Act Of
    1972 And To Improve The Program To Reduce The Incidental Taking Of Marine Mammals During The Course Of Commercial Fishing Operations, And For Other Purposes. (S. 1636, Latest Major Action: 4/30/1994 Became Public Law No: 103-238)
  4. A Bill To Authorize Appropriations To Carry Out The National Sea Grant
    College Program Act, And For Other Purposes. (S. 1563, Latest Major Action:
    12/4/1991 Signed by President)
  5. A Bill For The Relief Of Kil Joon Yu Callahan. (S. 423, Latest Major Action:
    11/19/1987 Became Private Law No: 100-2)

Kerry's Four Resolutions That Became Law:

  1. A Joint Resolution Designating The Week Beginning October 20, 1991, As
    "World Population Awareness Week." (S.J. Res. 160, Latest Major Action:
    10/30/1991 Signed by President)
  2. A Joint Resolution Designating November 13, 1992, As "Vietnam Veterans
    Memorial 10th Anniversary Day." (S.J. Res. 318, Latest Major Action:
    10/24/1992 Became Public Law No: 102-518)
  3. A Joint Resolution Designating September 18, 1992, As "National POW/MIA
    Recognition Day," And Authorizing Display Of The National League Of Families POW/MIA Flag. (S.J. Res. 337, Latest Major Action: 9/30/1992 Became Public Law No: 102-373)
  4. A Joint Resolution Designating October 22 Through 28, 1989, As "World
    Population Awareness Week." (S.J. Res. 158, Latest Major Action: 10/25/1990 Signed by President)
So. This means I have passed more resolutions in Model United Nations in high school than John Kerry has in 20 years in the Senate of both bills and resolutions. It means I have almost an equal number of resolutions passed by the Republican State Committee of Nebraska as Mr Kerry has had in his entire tenure in the Senate.

Why in the world is this man so close to becoming our next President?

So, Kerry brings up Lynne Cheney's daughter, then when she responds, she is personally attacked by John Edwards' wife?

This is out and out unprofessional, and frankly disgusting.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Here's the 'rub':

Don't believe ANY poll until the election.

Every single poll has a major flaw, and thus every poll is unreliable. That flaw is no one can accurately guess how many Republicans are going to be coming out to vote in relation to the number of Democrats.

Democratic numbers should be the same as 2000. The only 'increase' that could be gained is by the brainwashed youth that have adopted Michael 'McStupid' Moore's tripe as true. However, that age group is notorious for not going out to vote on election day.

Republicans, though, are a mystery. Will the personal attacks by the Democrats bring out Republicans in a backlash? Will the fact Bush sometimes takes moderate positions cause some Republicans to stay home? Will Republicans be mad about how the Democrats acted in 2000 and come out in retaliation? These questions stand unknown at this time.

With these questions, the correct ratio of Republicans to Democrats cannot be garnered. The 'Reagan Democrats' are also going to be a major factor. I honestly think these are the Democrats that are going to swing the election, not some mythical 'Independent' voters. If the Reagan Dems, like Ed Koch and Zell Miller, go to Bush, Kerry's sunk.

In addition, in most states the urban areas are oversampled in polls. This usually means Republicans getting 3 to 5 pct more in the actual election than the poll claims. This happened with Dole vs Clinton, Bush vs Gore, and the midterm elections between those two races and the ones in 2002.

So, ignore the polls. The only poll that counts is November 2nd.

Friday, October 01, 2004

Am I fustrated today...

I watched some of the debate last night between Kerry and Bush. Bush had ample opportunity to drive a stake into Kerry's campaign, but he just would not follow through with it. It seems as if he was coached by his people to 'play nice'.

I'm tired of playing nice when it comes to people who are trying to sell the US up the river. I'm tired of giving lip service to things, when America obviously needs a smack in the face wake up call.

I'm going to try and get a full list of questions that were asked in the debate, then I will answer them my way on this blog. I expect it will offend some people, but so be it. I'm tired of pussyfooting around. I'm tired of the Democrats trying to wimp out in not taking the fight to those that are against the United States. They want others to do the fighting. Gee...Rome did the same thing, by hiring barbarian tribes to be the Roman Army...except those 'barbarians' turned around and destroyed the remnants of the Roman Empire, plunging the world into a Dark Age until 1086, when William the Conqueror took over England.

1. Do you believe you could do a better job in preventing another 9/11?

It is inevitable that the United States will be attacked in the future. Some day, some how, something is going to slip through and cause harm to the citizens of the United States. We must remain vigilant against attacks, however, to minimize the one that does make it through. We must strengthen our borders and our defenses to stop those attacks which can be prevented. Reducing our defenses by eliminating things such as the Patriot missile system, like my opponent once attempted to do, will make that day come much sooner.

2. Would the Election of Sen. Kerry increase the chances of 9/11-like attacks?

Yes, and here is why. Senator Kerry has stated he wants us to react, rather than proact, when it comes to terrorism. He cannot deny his statement on this matter. This means we will not prevent an attack against the citizens of our country if that attack originates outside of our borders. Under the Kerry proposal, we would have to wait again for another 9/11 before we go after any other terrorist organization other than Al-Qaida, or else we would have to wait for permission from other countries to defend our people. That is not an option. There are dozens of organizations that use terror, and as many countries that fund them. The only way to stop them from attacking us is by taking the fight to them, not waiting for citizens of the United States to die. Senator Kerry's statements and actions would embolden the terrorists to make attempts that they currently cannot, as they are back on their heels, defending and not attacking. In football, they say the best offense is a good defense, but no American citizens lives are at stake in a football game.

3. What Mistakes has Bush made?

A mistake made was to trust principles would talk louder than money to certain countries in the world. These countries have decided that the graft gained through the Oil For Food program, a program rife with corruption and ran by the United Nations, was more important than the lives and freedoms of millions of people in the world. Senator Kerry is making the same mistake if he thinks those countries will miraculously come to the party if he becomes President. They won't.

A second mistake was to trust in the intelligence provided by an emaciated intelligence community, devastated by cuts made in the previous administration, and wanted to be made deeper by my opponent. I wish I would have known sooner that our intelligence community was so handicapped that I may have been able to put more money towards fixing our shortcommings in this area.

4. "What about Senator Kerry's point?" Bin Laden v. Saddam?

Osama Bin Laden is not the only terrorist in the world. Saddam was harboring Abu Nidal, the man described by the American Press as the most dangerous man in the world...until Osama and Al-Qaida came on the scene. Saddam was also harboring Al-Zarqwai, a name now very familiar to us due to his beheading of Americans and others in Iraq. Al-Zarqwai split from Osama a few years ago, but the press and my opponent do not seem to acknowledge this fact. In addition, many other terrorist organizations exist. We stated that we are going to go after those states that support the terrorists...all terrorists, not just Al-Qaida. In the future, this may very well include some nations that we are currently allied with. Terrorism must be curtailed, to protect innocent lives around the world.

6. As president, what would you do, differently to increase the Homeland Security of the U.S.?

First thing is to fight illegal immigration into this country. Terrorists can slip in through either of our two borders at any time. All illegal immigrants need to be sent back home, or else they can file for the legal papers like legitimate immigrants can and do.

Second is to increase training and security at our airports and ports. Even with the implementation of the Homeland Security department, our airport screeners have tested poorly in their ability to stop suspicious passengers and luggage.

Third, we stop this silly notion of political correctness when it comes to searching passengers and baggage. We know who the terrorists are, and to search citizens who obviously pose absolutely no threat to our security, while letting those that can pose a threat through the system because we do not wish to offend them has compromised our security far more than can be imagined.

8. Criteria for bringing troops home?

I have criteria for bringing our troops home. However, showing our hand will again embolden terrorists to just 'sit tight' and wait us out. I can say, at the minimum, though, a stable election process in Iraq, along with ironclad guarantees of protection of the rights of the population against any attempt at a dictatorship is required. This includes the rights of women, children, and religious worshippers to go about their own business as free citizens.

10. You spoke to Congress...How do you ask a man to die for a mistake?

I do not believe Iraq was a mistake. I do not believe Afghanistan is a mistake. Bosnia was not a mistake. It was a mistake to leave Somalia. That's the difference. We abandoned the people of Somalia to their fate because we got scared. We're the greatest nation in the world. By being scared off by two bit warlords, it emboldened both Osama and Saddam, and others like them. The soldiers of Blackhawk Down were abandoned by this country. That's what the mistake is, to leave business unfinished. The men who are fighting for the rights of women in Iraq, so that they can go to school, get an education, and not be beaten by their husbands and blamed for being raped, are not dying for a mistake. They are making the ultimate sacrifice to give a chance for freedom. That was how our country was founded, and how come our country is still free today.

11. What was the miscalculation of conditions.

That the Baathists would stand and fight, instead of going underground to fight a terrorist war against us. The other miscalculation was the extent that the radical Muslims would enter the country before we could secure the borders, and become entrenched to fight us. That is now being resolved. You will be hearing in the days and months ahead about how we are rooting these interlopers out. But it is going to take time, energy, effort, and the intestinal fortitude to weather some bad news. We cannot cut and run like we did in Somalia, and like how Senator Kerry wants us to run. To do so would doom us to the same fate as what befell Rome.

12. To Kerry: You have accused the president of lying. Give us examples.

My opponent may not have called me a liar, but his surrogates and the 527s supporting his campaign have. They have called me everything from Hitler to the more evil than Osama Bin Laden. I would like to ask my opponent to repudiate these statements here, today, just as I have repudiated those that have attacked Senator Kerry on personal issues.

I will also point out that Senator Kerry had a chance to see the same intelligence I did concerning both the Yellowcake from Niger, as well as other pieces of information Secretary Powell made public in front of the United Nations. After seeing those items, Senator Kerry stated early in his campaign that anyone who didn't believe Saddam should be taken out does not deserve to become President. He voted to authorize force, when he did not in 1991. So, yes, I may have been told misinformation by our intelligence agencies, but so was the Senator, and he came to the same conclusion I did at the time. To not admit that is disingenuous.

13. Has the war in Iraq been worth the 1,052 lives lost in Iraq?

In order to free women and children from the tyrrany they were subjected to, in order to establish a democracy and religious freedom in a land of intolerance, in order to remove a supporter of terrorists and a threat to the world order, yes. I have to say that those men and women did not die in vain. They died trying to bring freedom to a land who has suffered so long without it. If you think I am not remorseful, or think I do not care about their lives, you are very wrong. I wish there had been another way, but it was painfully obvious diplomacy had failed. A previous President said the US must 'walk tall, and carry a big stick'. In Iraq, we had no choice but to resort to the stick. The hardest thing to becoming President is ordering young men and women into battle. Such a decision is not made lightly. But, in Iraq, it was the right decision for the women and children.

That's just some of my answers concerning the debate. Yes, a lot more edgy than what Bush gave, and in some cases very much differing from both candidates.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

As the details of what happened in the Russian school come out: kids shot in the back, teens raped, little children brutally murdered by knives, why has the media ignored this story and the fact the terrorists that caused this were Islamic?

Why doesn't the media show the fact that such a thing could happen right here, in the United States, just as easily?

Oh, wait. It didn't happen here...because the terrorists against us are occupied in Iraq and hiding from us in Afghanistan/Pakistan.

What will happen if we pull out of those areas prematurely because of, say, the election of Mr. Kerry?

That's right. We'd be subject to the same depraved attack, because Mr. Kerry does not believe in preemptive strikes against terrorists. He would sit back and wait until more innocent Americans were killed and tortured before he would bother to get involved.

And if that terrorist attack were a nuclear attack, or other WMD?

Mr. Kerry's record already shows what we could expect. He wrote up an executive order back when he was Lieutenant Governor of Massachussetts...denying any emergency management funding or other funding in order to evacuate people from anyplace subjected to a nuclear attack.

That's right, America. Mr. Kerry not only won't stop terrorists until they act, but he's on record that he won't spend money to save the survivors of such an attack.

How in the world can this guy still be close to being elected?

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Here it is, folks...

Bush Guard Service, The True Story

ChronWatch ^ 8/26/04 Gordon Bloyer
This is the only place that you will get the full and true story of President Bush’s Air National Guard service. There are no UNANSWERED questions. There are no missing records.

He did not miss any meetings. The truth is known. You can find everything in this article, in other publications but none of the others are complete. You have to put them all together to get the full story. It is a shame that our national "objective" media refuse to do their job and put the whole story together.

First, in answer to the charge that Bush was AWOL or missed meetings, George Bush was NEVER assigned to the Alabama Guard. This is a myth promoted by the "objective" media. Here is what really happened. Here is what the head of the Alabama Guard said.

Turnipseed states Bush was never ordered to report to the Alabama Air National Guard. He points out that Bush never transferred from the Texas Air National Guard to the Alabama Air National Guard. He remained in the Texas Guard during his stay in Alabama. This was confirmed by the Texas Guard. And Turnipseed added that Bush was never under his command or any other officer in the Alabama Guard.
Turnipseed added that Bush was informed of the drill schedule of the Alabama Guard as a courtesy so he could get credit for drills while in Alabama for his service record in the Texas Guard. There was no compulsory attendance. This was also confirmed by the Texas Guard.

This was reported in the Chicago Sun-Times and has never been picked up by any other news organization. Turnipseed then also added. For Bush to be "AWOL" or "away without leave," he would have had to have been assigned to a unit and under its command.

For the liberals reading this, go back and read it again. You see, Bush did NOT miss any meetings. The whole argument is nonsense. He got permission from his commanding officer to go to Alabama and attend meetings as a courtesy so he could attend when he could. Another part of this attack is that no one saw Bush at the meetings he did attend. It was reported that Turnipseed never saw Bush. Read what was reported about that.

Turnipseed reversed gear after retired Lt. Col. John "Bill" Calhoun went public to say that not only did he remember Bush in Alabama, but that it was Turnipseed himself that introduced the two. Oops. And really...the media is completely asleep at the switch on this one. How many people that you saw a few times do you remember from 30 years ago?

Why didn’t fellow pilots see Bush in Alabama? The planes being flown by the Alabama Guard were not the same as the F102 that Bush was trained on. Why would pilots see him if he was not flying?

That is why Lt. Col. Calhoun came forward to say that Bush was in his office for study and drill time. Remember he was not assigned to the unit, he did NOT have to be there.

The following is from a letter by Col. William Campenni (Ret.) published in the Washington Times.

There was one big exception to this abusive use of the Guard to avoid the draft, and that was for those who wanted to fly, as pilots or crew members. Because of the training required, signing up for this duty meant up to 2½ years of active duty for
training alone, plus a high probability of mobilization. A fighter-pilot candidate selected by the Guard (such as Lt. Bush and me) would be spending the next two years on active duty going through basic training (six weeks), flight training (one year), survival training (two weeks) and combat crew training for his aircraft (six to nine months), followed by local checkout (up to three more months) before he was even deemed combat-ready. Because the draft was just two years, you sure weren't getting out of duty being an Air Guard pilot. If the unit to which you were going back was an F-100, you were mobilized for Vietnam.

Avoiding service? Yeah, tell that to those guys. The Bush critics do not comprehend the dangers of fighter aviation at any time or place, in Vietnam or at home, when they say other such pilots were risking their lives or even dying while Lt. Bush was in Texas. Our Texas ANG unit lost several planes right there in Houston during Lt. Bush's tenure, with fatalities. Just strapping on one of those obsolescing F-102s was risking one's life.

Here is some information that the "objective" media avoids telling you. John Kerry joined the Navy Reserve, he did not JOIN the Navy. The Reserve was just like the National Guard. Kerry did NOT know he would be sent to Vietnam.

George Bush joined the Guard for a SIX-year term. If you are drafted, you only have to serve TWO years. Bush probably did not need to pull strings to get into a jet fighter unit. Jets required a greater time commitment than normal Guard postings. Pilots from the unit that he joined were being sent to Vietnam. All the publications that have researched this have concluded that there is NO evidence that he used any
influence to get into the Guard. The liberal publications will say that there is no evidence, but it is still suspicious. That is a good journalistic standard?

So, do you get it, Bush joined a unit that at the time was serving in Vietnam. The following is research from ........

Nevertheless, we have established that the F-102 was serving in combat in Vietnam at the time Bush enlisted to become an F-102 pilot. In fact, pilots from the 147th FIG of the Texas ANG were routinely rotated to Vietnam for combat duty under a program called "Palace Alert" from 1968 to 1970. Palace Alert was an Air Force program that sent qualified F-102 pilots from the ANG to bases in Europe or southeast Asia for periods of three to six months for frontline duty. Fred Bradley, a friend of Bush's who was also serving in the Texas ANG, reported that he and Bush inquired about participating in the Palace Alert program. However, the two were told by a superior, MAJ Maurice Udell, that they were not yet qualified since they were still in training and did not have the 500 hours of flight experience required.

Furthermore, ANG veteran COL William Campenni, who was a fellow pilot in the 111th FIS at the time, told the Washington Times that Palace Alert was winding down and not accepting new applicants.

As he was completing training and being certified as a qualified F-102 pilot, Bush's
squadron was a likely candidate to be rotated to Vietnam. However, the F-102 was
built for a type of air combat that wasn't seen during that conflict, and the plane was withdrawn from southeast Asia in December 1969. The F-102 was instead returned to its primary role of providing air defense for the United States. In addition, the mission of Ellington AFB, where Bush was stationed, was also changing from air defense alert to training all F-102 pilots in the US for Air National Guard duty. Lt. Bush remained in the ANG as a certified F-102 pilot who participated in frequent drills and alerts through April of 1972. ... By this time, the 147th Fighter Wing was also beginning to transition from the F-102 to the F-101F, an updated version of the F-101B used primarily for air defense patrols. Furthermore, the war in Vietnam was nearing its end and the US was withdrawing its forces from the theater. Air Force personnel returning to the US created a glut of active-duty pilots, and there were not enough aircraft available to accommodate all of the qualified USAF and ANG pilots. Since USAF personnel had priority for the billets available, many of the Air National Guard pilots whose enlistments were nearly complete requested early release. The ANG was eager to fulfill these requests because there was not enough time to retrain
F-102 pilots to operate new aircraft before their enlistments were up anyway. Bush was one of those forced out by the transition, and he was honorably discharged as a first lieutenant in October 1973, eight months before his six-year enlistment was complete. Bush had approximately 600 flight hours by the time he completed his military service.

The folks at aerospaceweb concluded.........

While Bush did not see combat in Vietnam, it is also obvious he was not seeking a way to avoid the risk of being sent to Vietnam. At the time he was training to be an F102 pilot, ANG units and that aircraft type were based in Vietnam.

In conclusion, there is no evidence Bush got special treatment to join the Guard. He did NOT miss any meetings, he was not assigned to the Alabama Guard. The reason the so called "objective" media holds on to this myth is that it lets them keep asking, where was Bush? The issue of his being grounded is also answered because he would no longer be flying since his plane was obsolete and he did not have enough Guard time left to train in a new jet. You don’t need to report for a physical if you are not flying. Duh!

Kerry joined the Navy Reserve and did not expect to go to Vietnam. When Kerry did go to Vietnam the swift boats were not doing river patrols. They were doing coastal patrols and were not in much danger. That is when he volunteered to join the Swiftee’s. The assignment of those boats was changed after he was accepted for the duty. Surprise, he got action and the rest is disputed history.

The information in this article was published in "George Magazine", "New York Times", "Washington Times", "Chicago Sun-Times", "Washington Post" and
About the Writer: Gordon Bloyer has been called a Renaissance man by Ronn Owens of KGO radio in San Francisco. Rush Limbaugh read from a letter by Gordon on his national radio show. President Ronald Reagan invited Gordon to the White House to thank him for his support. He has appeared on numerous radio and television shows. The Gordon Bloyer Show can be seen at .

I hate to be overly cautious at this point, but I am. Be on the lookout for stupid accusations coming from the Democrats over the next few weeks, like, say...the charges from Kitty 'I can lie if I want to about anything' Kelley.

I bet the Kerry campaign wishes she would have waited, so they could use it before it is all debunked. Once again, the gang who couldn't spin straight strikes again.

Each time the Kerry campaign pulls one of these boners, they lose a percentage point. Eventually, they're going to end up with 40 pct of the vote - the 'I hate Bush and will vote for a serial rapist before I vote for Bush' crowd.

However, and I will again point this out: why do you on the left hate Bush? I have NEVER heard a straight answer to this question. You give some sort of a vague answer about Iraq, or maybe the Patriot Act, but those things have NOT affected you in the slightest, except to slow you down going through an airport. Trust me, I know they haven't. So, why the hate? Going back to my previous thesis, is it really because you are now national socialists, and you oppose Bush who is an international capitalist?

Thursday, September 02, 2004

It's been a few days since I've posted anything on here, due to other committments.

However, I'm back with a very simple message.

Democrats, are you one of the Democrats who joined the party of Roosevelt, Truman, and JFK, or have you joined the Democrats due to Jane Fonda, George McGovern, and Michael Moore?

If you are the former, look at your party. Your party used to be for making America strong. Their philosphy was to strengthen American workers and American products to outdo anyone else in the world. Now, your party has selected someone who has gone to China in order to outsource jobs, is for the United Nations to direct our troops, and is for treaties like the Kyoto Protocol, that will remove freedom from the American people.

This isn't why you joined the Democratic Party. This is not the candidate you should be supporting.

Read the words of Zell Miller's speech. He's a Democrat, and he's mad as hell that the party he joined has been co-opted by the rabid Marxists. Ed Koch is another Democrat upset at the way his party is moving towards Marxism. The Truman Doctrine contained Marxism in Europe. JFK fought against Marxism in Cuba and in Vietnam. Yet, you have allowed the Marxists to take over your party.


Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Okay, Democrats. Here it is: the eyewitness account of GWB in the National Guard.

As you can see, you Rats have bitten off more than you can chew on this.

Stop the lying.


Monday, August 23, 2004

I want to give some kudos to the Minnesota Republican Party for creating a new website called 'When Angry Democrats Attack'. It can be seen at .

This is the kind of thing that needs to be shown to Americans - how far off the deep end the Democrats have become.

I stand by my assertation that the Ruckus Society, ANSWER, and the rest are really one organization, modelled off of Hitler's SA brownshirts. Note, by the way, the fact they keep trying to call Bush a fascist/nazi when they are the ones embracing the goals of naziism.

Someone on Free Republic has provided a handy little list that continues my premise, which has pretty much been implied in previous accounts, that the current leadership of the Democratic Party is, in fact, the successor to the National Socialist German Workers Party...the Nazis. Why those Democrats like Dick Gephardt don't realize the path they are spiraling down and stop this is beyond my comprehension. Why the Jewish Democratic voters and the African-American Democratic voters don't understand that they are being turned into second class citizens by the party they support is mindboggling.

Here is the list:

  • Kerry and Hitler were both "War Heros" with medals.
  • Kerry and Hitler were heros in wars that their nation "lost".
  • Kerry and Hitler were both "Wounded" in that war.
  • Kerry and Hitler are both opportunists.
  • Kerry and Hitler are dedicated to overthrow the existing order.
  • Kerry and Hitler were both leaders of radical organizations willing to use violence to win.
  • Kerry and Hitler used national dissatisfaction with the war they fought in to gain political prominence.
  • Kerry and Hitler are both adopted by the super-rich as a vehicle to take political control.
  • Kerry and Hitler are both socialists.
Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. That's exactly what is happening here, but by calling us on the conservative side 'nazis', it allows them to deflect where the true nazism is coming from.

I am reprinting here the letter from the Bush-Cheney campaign concerning the Kerry campaign putting out a totally false advertisement:

Dear Station Manager:

Your station is being asked to run an ad from John Kerry's presidential campaign wrongly accusing Bush-Cheney '04 of violating the campaign finance laws. We ask that your station set the record straight.

It is completely false and without any evidence that the Bush "campaign supports a front group attacking John Kerry's military record," as the Kerry ad states. The Bush-Cheney campaign flatly rejects this baseless allegation of illegal coordination between Bush-Cheney '04 and a group called Swiftboat Veterans for Truth. The ad running on your station contains this false and libelous charge. Coordination with Swiftboat Veterans for Truth would be a violation of federal campaign finance laws. 11 C.F.R. 109.21.

Sadly, the Kerry campaign is using this falsehood for which it publicly admits it has no evidence to distract attention and gain free publicity. Attached is a verified transcript from a CNN interview in which Mr. Kerry's own spokesman, Tad Devine, could not present even one piece of hard evidence to back up the Kerry campaign's allegations.

The attached CNN Inside Politics verified transcript shows that Kerry campaign spokesman Devine is basing his charges solely on a newspaper article, "'s in the New York Times today." However, not even this newspaper article presents evidence of "coordination." What has been reported are the Kerry campaign's unsubstantiated charges along with the explicit denial from the Bush-Cheney campaign. In fact, after inquiring about the alleged coordination reported in the New York Times story relied on by Mr. Devine, Wolf Blitzer, based on an earlier interview with a reporter who wrote the New York Times story, corrected Devine by stating, "They don't have any hard evidence backing it up." In other words, the allegation contained in the commercial running on your station is based on nothing more than the Kerry campaign's false accusations, having them reported in the media, and then the Kerry campaign referring to the published false accusations as proof.

The Kerry campaign is hiding behind the law which does not permit your station to reject this false advertising by a candidate. But your station can insure that the record is clear in your total program. We ask that you to do that.


Ken Mehlman
Campaign Manager

Friday, August 20, 2004

My email to MSNBC:

Dear Sirs,

I have normally kept quiet about journalists letting their political ideology cloud their actions on television. This time, however, two of your 'journalists' have gone too far.

Chris Matthews remarks and explosion towards a fellow journalist, Michelle Malkin, were uncalled for and show the fact that Mr. Matthews should remove such a distinguished title as 'journalist' from his resume. Even on an opinion show, a journalist is to strive to find the truth out about what is happening. Mr. Matthews, however, has refused to do such in not doing an investigation of "Unfit For Command", and has personally attacked by lies and innuendo those who have appeared on his show. The transcript of the program clearly shows Ms Malkin is correct in her statements about what happened on the program. Mr. Matthews should be made to apologize for both his actions on his program, and his press release which perpetuates the falsehoods that are disproven by his show's own transcripts.

Keith Olbermann, however, has gone beyond this, personally attacking Ms Malkin. Since when are personal attacks against a female permitted by MSNBC, NBC, and General Electric? MSNBC removed Michael Savage from the air for similar statements. Mr. Olbermann should be removed from his television program immediately, as what happened to Mr. Savage on your own network.

In previous years, accusations such as being put out by the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth would have been thoroughly investigated by the news media, and either proven or disproven. Neither Mr. Matthews or Mr. Olbermann, or their staffs have done such an invesigation. Such an investigation, by an unbiased and thorough journalist, is the only way to resolve the truth behind the accusations.

Insulting Ms Malkin's statements on the Hardball program is not journalism, nor are insults on Ms Malkin's character.

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Another campaign commerical idea:

Start with a picture of Leon Klinghoffer.

"This is Leon Klinghoffer, an American citizen with Jewish ancestry. He was on a cruise liner called the Achilles Lauro with his wife and other citizens of all nationalities. The Achilles Lauro was attacked by terrorists, led by this man..."

Show picture of Abu Nidal.

"Abu Nidal. At the time, the press heralded him as the most dangerous terrorist in the world. Abu Nidal escaped authorities, after killing Leon Klinghoffer. He fled to the one man who said he would protect him..."

Show picture of Saddam Hussein.

"Saddam Hussein. In the recent liberation of Iraq, Abu Nidal was killed, as were other terrorists and members of many terrorist organizations. To say Saddam Hussein did not harbor terrorists, or did not help the terrorist cause is not supported by the facts of these men being found on Iraqi soil, being protected."

Show picture of Saddam's statue being torn down.

"Iraq no longer supports terrorist organizations, thanks to the help of the Coalition of the Willing, 52 nations working together to stop people like Saddam Hussein from spreading terror. On November 2nd, you have a choice. Either stop terrorism before it can happen, or wait until more people lose their lives like Leon Klinghoffer."

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

"Comedian" Al Franken (comedian in quotes because I have never found the man funny, even on SNL) wrote a book about Liars, trying to call conservatives, Republicans, and especially George W Bush a liar.

Yet, once again, the liar proves to be John Kerry and those, like Franken, who support him.

The latest? John Kerry claiming to be Vice Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee. Uh, John...that was Bob KERREY. He doesn't even spell his last name the same!

I also love the fact that John had to have his personal barber flown out to the west coast to give him a trim. I'm sure someone out there is glad their $1000 contribution to Kerry's campaign paid for a haircut.

I just wish the American people weren't so blind to the realities of the world. I have been harping on those realities since 1985...I was a junior in high school then, and even then I understood. Yet, there are too many people both older and younger than me that are so blind as to not get what the world has turned into. These are the same folks that sat in front of their houses as Attila marched through the streets. These are the people that caused Athens to fall to the Spartans, and caused Rome to fall to the German barbarians. Conservatives? We're the Franks under Charles Martel, who pushed back the Muslim invaders of France. We're the Reconquista forces of Spain, driving out the invaders of our lands. We're the Hungarians, who stopped both Turkish forces and the Mongol horde.

And we are the Americans, who have been attacked twice on our soil. We defeated the first aggressor, and now they are an ally. We will defeat the second aggressor too, but only if we don't turn into the patricians of Rome by electing John Kerry.

Monday, August 16, 2004

Matt Margolis, the main blogger over at Blogs for Bush ( had this to say the other day:

It seems like Kerry just can't seem to get anywhere. Putting Edwards on the ticket didn't help him. Their convention didn't help him. Millions of dollars spent and a two week tour didn't help either. The reality of the situation is that Kerry is a weak candidate and the American people are rejecting the Kerry-Edwards campaign's message.

John Kerry is in big trouble. With two weeks to go before the GOP Convention, we can expect big things from the Bush campaign and I believe we'll see Bush open up a lead that Kerry will fail to catch up to.

I really respect Matt, and the amount of work and effort he has put into the site (I'm on the blogroll here). But...

Oh, come on, you knew I was setting that up...

Anyways, I think the Bush campaign needs a brain transfer on the way things are being run in this campaign. I see the great ads coming from the RNC and the Bush campaign, but...something just seems to be missing. Mind you, the other side is just coming out with hatred and venom spewing all over, but I feel there needs to be an edge to Bush's campaign that is not there. Thank god Karen Hughes and Peggy Noonan are coming back into the campaign organization. I hope it will be enough.

To expect any sort of big bounce to come out of the Republican Convention is an error. I don't think there will be a big bounce, but I do think the bounce is going to be larger than the minor bounce Kerry had. That's because Bush, when push comes to shove, makes one helluva stump speech. He did in 2000, which propelled him forward into the general election, he did on 9/11, and I think he'll do it again.

Another thing that needs to be done cannot be coordinated by the Bush campaign. Look at my two proposed ads earlier in this blog. Those kinds of ads really cannot be put out by Bush...but they CAN be put out by people like RightMarch or Club for Growth...the Republican 527s. We really need a big donor or two to offset the big 3 Democrat donors that are funding Media Fund, MoveOn, and the like. Has anyone thought of approaching Michael Dell to offset Stephen Bing? Or the Walton siblings to offset George Soros? Has anyone thought of doing advertisements that attack, not John Kerry, but directly target MoveOn/Media Fund/etc.?

The Republicans in the US Senate kowtowed to the Democrats, and got ran over. We cannot afford to have the same happen in the race for President.

Friday, August 13, 2004

This is a big recommendation for using Blogger/Blogspot for your blogs.

A few days ago I complained about the Kerry ads appearing on my site, and they have now given me a complimentary subscription to the Ads-Free membership.

At least SOMETHING is working today :-) Thanks Blogger!

John Kerry has to be a pathological liar. Now, he's changing his story to where he now claims he was in Cambodia in January, 1969.

Next, it will be Chinese New Year, February 1969.

How many Democrats are now kicking themselves for not selecting Gephardt, instead of Kerry, to beat Howard Dean?

Here's another campaign commercial that really needs to be produced. It is based on a rather famous (around Nebraska) ad that was aired by Bob Kerrey's campaign for Governor vs Kay Orr:

Older woman: Hello. I am here today to talk to you about negative campaigning. The presidential campaign of 2004 has turned into the nastiest, most negative campaign ever.

[play clip from the Hitler ad]

This is the kind of campaign advertising we have been getting this year. Comparing a political candidate to Hitler in an advertisement is purely negative. This ad, and others like them, have been created by an organization called They are not the only advertisements attacking the character of a sitting President. There are many of them, and many other statements that do not focus on real campaign issues.

[play clip from Michael Moore attacking Bush]

Legitimate campaign ads, though they might be negative, focus on things like a candidate's record, and not hatred. Hatred is what is motivating these people and organizations. Citizens of the United States of America should demand political advertisements focus on the record of the candidates in question and statements those candidates have made, and not personal attacks.

[play clip of John Kerry calling Bush supporters goons]

As of now, most of these disgusting advertisements are coming from groups that oppose the President. Yet, the Democratic candidate has said:

[play clip of Kerry calling for civility in political advertising]

Please call the Democratic Party today and ask them to follow their own advice, both for themselves and the organizations that support their candidate for president. America is not a place where hate should be tolerated.

Thursday, August 12, 2004

I just have to laugh.

The day AFTER I write about how you cannot treat terrorists with kid gloves, John Kerry says he wants to wage a more 'sensitive war' against terror.

I think the families of 3000 American citizens could tell you where you can stick your sensitivity, John...

I've had it with the Democrats.

Message to Bush and Cheney: Stop pussyfooting with these guys. The Democrats have basically dropped all civility, so drop the gloves and get in there.

And by all means, don't blow this election by being timid.

Put out an ad showing the following:

  • CLEARLY show the World Trade Center attacks. Then excerpt after those images lines from the President's speech at Ground Zero.
  • Force people to REMEMBER.
  • Then show Kalid Muhammad's face...Abu Nidal's face...other terrorists we have captured or killed, including Saddam Hussein, Uday and Qusay. List their crimes...those killed, who they killed.
  • Then ask the question. Do you want a strong leader who has been able to use the military to capture or kill terrorists like these, or do you want a weak leader, who can't even decide on what to vote for or against when it comes to terrorism?
The press and the Democrats will go into a tailspin, whining about the commercial. Who cares about them. This is about our freedom. This is about the survival of the United States of America. This is about American lives, lives that are going to be lost in the millions if John Kerry is elected.

On days like these, I wish I could run for political office. The amount of wishy-washy coming from Republicans is just amazing to me. Thank god for people like Ann Coulter, David Horowitz, and others out there that have stopped kowtowing to niceties.

I cannot run for political office due to four factors:

  1. My grades in college, especially my first college, were low
  2. I did some things back in my college days that George W Bush would call 'irresponsible'...not drinking, smoking, or drugs, though...but still would be damaging to any sort of political aspirations
  3. I have had bouts of depression that required medication
  4. I don't have the finances
The other three could be counteracted by the fourth, but alas it is not to be. Thus, I am stuck being a web designer for local government, when I want to be out there kicking liberal butt.

The reasons I think I would make a good elected official...NOT politician:
  1. I can motivate and lead people to greater things. (Been proven)
  2. I know proper English language, both for speaking and writing, though I do tend to speak like a construction worker more often than not (my dad was a construction worker for many years)
  3. I can give rousing speeches in front of people. I did so in 1985 at the Young Americans for Freedom convention (I wish that organization would restart...the College Republicans just aren't doing enough IMHO)
  4. I won't BS people with what the problems are in America and how I feel they need to be fixed
  5. I've worked in government bureaucracies for a number of years, and know where the red tape blocks real progress
  6. I am a conservative, but with a few libertarian leanings on some issues...NOT drugs, though!
  7. Though I am not a church goer, I believe in God and that God should not be excluded from either government or education, as God's teachings form the basis of morality that is the foundation of both
I wish I could run at this point. America needs those like me to become elected officials, not the rich wimps and lawyers.

Monday, August 09, 2004

You know, I think I should go into the bomb shelter creation industry if John Kerry gets elected. Maybe I can partner with the old Y2k folks, who sold survival rations to those wanting to survive those vicious year 2000 riots.

Because this time, they'd be used.

Let me put it another way: if John Kerry is elected, what happened on September 11, 2001 will be child's play. Perhaps it will be Boston, or maybe New York, Philadelphia, or Los Angeles, but the Islamists will hit a major US city when they aren't backpedaling like they currently are doing thanks to George W Bush. 4 million people will probably die, and maybe then...then John Kerry and the Democrats will understand this is World War III.

The Islamists aren't going to stop until they are eliminated. The US needs to understand this and act like it. Not suspend border patrols because someone is offended, not ignore the use of profiling that would have stopped the terrorists who hit the WTC. Islamists want us under the same law that prevents women from showing their face, kills women for receiving any sort of education, and blames the woman for a rape.

Don't you get it, Barbara Streisand and Linda Ronstadt? Don't you understand you will be beheaded first? Why are you and others of your ilk so blind to not see it coming?

Yep. I'm going to make bomb shelters. Then I'll make sure I turn all the profit into gold coins and hide them in my own shelter. I'll survive Shi'a law.

Friday, August 06, 2004

Democrats: If you want get rid of George Bush, then why did you select such a bloody idiot for your candidate? You could have won with Hillary, but no. You come up with John 'Foot-in-Mouth' Kerry.

The latest: Kerry attacked Bush for the 7 minutes where he kept reading to children after hearing about the first plane hitting the World Trade Center.

Point #1: I, personally, didn't know the gravity of the situation when I was setting up the broadcasting of the county board meeting over our Intranet. I had heard of the first plane, but thought it a simple least until I went back downstairs after informing the managers in their daily meeting that something was up. I used our cable speed (which at the time I had split with a Y-splitter) to get the second feed to show CNN, and discovered the REAL events.

Point #2:

In an interview with Larry King on CNN, July 8, 2004,

Sen. Kerry was asked where he was the morning of September 11th. Here is part
of his response:
Kerry: "...And as I came in [to a meeting in Sen. Daschle's office], Barbara Boxer and Harry Reid were standing there, and we watched the second plane come in to the building. And we shortly thereafter sat down at the table and then we just realized nobody could think, and then boom, right behind us, we saw the cloud of explosion at the Pentagon..." (emphasis added).

It should be noted that the second plane hit the World Trade Center at 9:03
a.m., and the plane hit the Pentagon at 9:43 a.m. By Kerry's own words, he and
his fellow senators sat there for forty minutes, realizing "nobody could think."

In other words:
Sen. Kerry, who criticized President Bush for not rushing out of the Florida classroom for seven minutes, sat paralyzed with his colleagues for a full forty
minutes. He is hardly in a position to criticize President Bush for "inaction."

Can you believe this guy? And he wants to be commander in chief? Please. John Kerry is the biggest moron I've ever seen running for office, and that includes people such as Lyndon LaRouche, Ross Perot, and that goof from the Natural Law party in 2000.

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Transcript from Swift Boat Veterans for Truth:

John Edwards: "If you have any question about what John Kerry is made of, just spend 3 minutes with the men who served with him."

Al French: "I served with John Kerry."

Bob Elder: "I served with John Kerry."

George Elliott: "John Kerry has not been honest about what happened in Vietnam."

Al French: "He is lying about his record."

Louis Letson: "I know John Kerry is lying about his first Purple Heart because I treated him for that injury."

Van O'Dell: "John Kerry lied to get his bronze star ... I know, I was there, I saw what happened."

Jack Chenoweth: "His account of what happened and what actually happened are the difference between night and day."

Admiral Hoffman: "John Kerry has not been honest."

Adrian Lonsdale: "And he lacks the capacity to lead."

Larry Thurlow: "When the chips were down, you could not count on John Kerry."

Bob Elder: "John Kerry is no war hero."

Grant Hibbard: "He betrayed all his shipmates ... he lied before the Senate."

Shelton White: "John Kerry betrayed the men and women he served with in Vietnam."

Joe Ponder: "He dishonored his country ... he most certainly did."

Bob Hildreth: "I served with John Kerry ...

Bob Hildreth (off-camera): John Kerry cannot be trusted."

Announcer: "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth is responsible for the content of this advertisement."

Visit for more information.

I see the Kerry campaign is attempting to sabotage this blog, by the stupid ads in the banner above my page.

Maybe I should feel privileged that a traitor to the country finds that the best tactic is spreading his propaganda via banner ads on my site.

Miss a day, and you feel like you are out of the loop...

I had to train some more sheriffs on their website I helped developed, so I missed a whole lot of things yesterday.

The biggest thing was Quincy Carter getting canned from the Cowboys. Quincy violated the terms of his drug rehab and got tested positive for 'something'. Take my advice Quincy, get your life straightened out before you try and come back and stop acting like the victim. Don't be a liberal and try to blame everyone else for your own shortcomings. You'll be a better person for it.

To those people planning on demonstrating in an illegal fashion in New York at the end of the month: I hope you realize that you are going to make more people come out to vote against your annointed Lurch. The more you disrupt, the more you tick off the common man. And that common man is going to go into the polls and remember how uncivil one side has been throughout these elections.

To John Kerry: Thanks for becoming the nominee. Bush would have lost against Gephart or Lieberman. Now, thanks to your own incompetence and your wife's insanity, Bush has gotten the bump from the polls he needed, and will get another, death-blow dealing bump after people hear his convention speech and compare it to your own. Bush-Dukakis II, coming to voting booths in November.

To Heinz Company: A big thanks to you for coming out and pointing out the fact though John and Teraaaaaaza may own preferred stock, they don't run your company and in fact most of your board of directors are Republicans. I'll go back to enjoying your products now.

To You had better check your facts. The Heinz Endowment gives to more than just Tides, and it isn't just Tides that funds communist causes. However, please explain the $4 million since 1995 the Howard Heinz Endowment has given to Tides Foundation and Center.

On Tides, though, from :

The Tides Center board of directors has been especially busy of late. In 2001 the first Tides “franchise” office (not counting Tides’ presence in Washington and New York) was opened in Pittsburgh. This new outpost, called the Tides Center of Western Pennsylvania, was erected largely at the urging of Pittsburgh native Teresa Heinz (the widow of Senator John Heinz, the ketchup heir). Heinz pulls more strings in the foundation world than almost any other old-money socialite; she’s presently married to U.S. Senator John Kerry (D-MA). The Tides Foundation has collaborated on funding projects with the Heinz Endowments (Teresa Heinz’s personal domain) for over 10 years.

Among the most unbelievable “projects” of the Tides Center is something called the Institute for Global Communications ( IGC is a clearinghouse for Leftist propagandists of all stripes, including living-wage advocates, anti-war protesters, slave-reparations hucksters, and a wide variety of extreme environmentalists. In February 2002 Orange County Register columnist Steven Greenhut called it “a network of the loony left” that “has to be seen to be believed… One alert posted in an IGC member conference calls for financial support for the Earth Liberation Front… Another message warns readers against cooperating with the FBI.”

The Chronicle of Philanthropy has documented this sort of America-bashing before. In a November 15, 2001 story, the Chronicle reported that the Tides Center had given the Independent Media Center (IMC) $376,000 -- ironically, from its “9/11 fund.” IMC is a notorious bastion of far left, radical viewpoints, and also serves as an organizing outpost for all sorts of large-scale protest activity. In particular, the IMC served as a “virtual” staging ground prior to the April 20, 2002 anti-war protests in Washington, DC. Visitors to the IMC web site can read the rantings of “black bloc” anarchists, violent animal-rights criminals, and an assortment of anti-American advocates, all brought to you by the Tides Center and its tax exemption.

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Ah, the joys of McCain-Feingold. That bill has permanently corrupted the political process into the mess we're going to be in now and in the future. Besides having to be worth a ton of money to run for office, there are now outside organizations people are having to pander to, thus giving special interests even more control over the election process.

I still like Chuck Hagel's idea of wiping out all PACs, and in exchange make individual donations either a whole lot higher, or eliminate the ceiling altogether.

Anyways, that's neither here nor there. We're stuck with 527s now.

I was curious as to 'famous' people, and their donations to various 527s that support John Kerry and George Bush. Unfortunately, as I looked, of the top 10 527 organizations, only one - the Club for Growth (which I belong to) - is in the listing. All the rest are supporting Kerry. A number of 'famous' people are donating to these groups.

Topping the list, of course, is George Soros. Just in the top organizations, he has donated $12.4 million dollars. Second is Steven Bing, who has donated over $7 million. There are questions now about Mr. Bing's donations, and whether or not he has been funnelling mob money into the campaign. Other well known people contributing to these 527s include Matt Damon ($20k), Paul Neuman ($50k), Kevin Bacon ($17k), Chevy Chase ($2.5k), Michael Douglas ($10k), Rob Reiner ($5.25k), Jane Rosenthal (producer of Meet the Parents and Analyze This, $25k), author Andrew Tobias ($14.66k) and Tim Robbins/Susan Sarandon/Chris Sarandon ($750).

You notice who is missing in that list? Yup...Michael Moore. He of the $100 million 'documentary' against Bush has donated $0. That's right, $0. Who else isn't there? Al Franken. Janiene Garafalo. Ben Affleck. Babs Streisand. Linda Ronstadt. The Dixie Chicks.

Just like I suspected, actually. Those that donated above, I'm actually going to compliment. You, at least, put your money where your mouth is, not just give lip service to the liberal cause. The rest, though...the rest are just as phony as I suspected. When push comes to shove, you are not willing to donate to support your own causes. What a bunch of fakes...

Monday, August 02, 2004

For a number of years, Wendy's has been a pretty regular staple of my diet. The increased girth around my waist proves that sometimes. Mind you, sometimes I dislike the 'new beef' they changed to after Dave Thomas died, in that it doesn't taste like the Wendy's I love. I also eat the bacon and cheese baked potato about as often as I eat the french fries...

I also like expensive food. I'm always a sucker for a good prime rib, for example.

But I don't ever go into a Wendy's to 'look good' and then head over to someplace like Prima 140 (a fancy restaurant near me in Omaha) to eat French food after eating French fries!

That's exactly what John Kerry and John Edwards did the other day. In order to try to act 'middle class', they went into Wendy's. The story is Edwards and his wife goes there on their anniversary...the reason for which must be either they met there, she or he used to work there, or something significant like that.

But, they had 19 gourmet (read that as French cuisine) meals waiting for them at $200 a pop elsewhere.

My opinion of French cuisine: A little substance for a lot of presentation, fluff, and price. Not surprisingly, I find the same with the John Kerry campaign: little substance, but lots of fluff and a pricetag too high for American taxpayers.

Friday, July 30, 2004

Senator Kerry gave the 'speech of his life' last night.

Man, it must be a real pain to be undead...

Look, Senator, you are as phony as those Hollywood folks backing your campaign. You cannot go out there and run on your legislative record, or even your record as a Lieutenant Governor. You have gone out and repeated the Vietnam mantra over and over again, even though you were only on active duty for 4 months, and caused two of your three purple hearts yourself. Oh, that's right. I'm not supposed to criticize your war record because that's a 'personal attack'. And you and your supporters attacking George Bush on his National Guard service isn't? Your people started that attack 4 years ago, Mr. Kerry.

You claim you want civility in the national election, but your staff retorts any attempts to show your record as 'mean spirited' or 'right wing conservative attack dogs'. Your supporters call us conservatives everything from 'babykillers' to 'nazis', even though I have proven your followers have far more in common to Adolf Hitler than John F Kennedy.

No, Mr. Kerry. Your party is the one who has broken civility, then you want to try and get up on a high horse and claim moral superiority.

That is not going to fly this time. I, and many others, are calling you out right now on this.

You tell your followers to stop the personal attacks, such as what happened at the New York Event with Whoopi. I want you to get up and publically denounce that event, as not fitting with the tone you want to set for the campaign. I want you to get up and tell Michael Moore in his face to knock off the snide comments about Republicans. I want you to tell people like Al Gore to stop acting like Ann Richards in 1988.

But, Mr. Kerry, you don't have the guts to do that. You believe everything these people are saying, so you won't put them back on a civil path. Then, you will claim you are not attacking George Bush and his supporters in a personal manner.

This proves one thing, Mr. Kerry...

You are a fraud.

A fraud who should never be elected as president of the United States.

Thursday, July 29, 2004

On some message boards I frequent, I have seen a couple of posts about how Bush should not be advertising now.

Sorry, but you folks are absolutely wrong.

See, the reason Kerry did not want to accept the nomination until the end of August was monetary. The moment the nomination is accepted, campaign finance limits kick in. That's why Kerry's campaign is going dark for a month, because they know they cannot afford to post advertisements that will spend money needed in October.

Bush, on the other hand, gets the luxury of September 2 to accept, thereby having an extra month to use his PRIMARY donations to spend for advertising. It is a use it or lose it proposition here, so now, in August, it is a perfect time to unleash with the rest of the money he is allowed to use for the primary.

Kerry's campaign is scared of this. They know things are going to turn against their candidate, which is why they need the bump coming out of the convention. Instead, all they are getting is a bump on the head for tripping over their own feet with fiascos like the flubbed pitch and the Oompa Loompa outfit that made Kerry look like a dork. Those are the stories coming out of the convention, and not what they needed.

Kerry has a backup, though. MoveOn, Media Fund, etc. can still put out advertisements. But I think the Republican 527s are about to unleash as well, that no one has paid attention to...the most damaging is already stealing Kerry's thunder, the Swift Boat Vets. Club for Growth, and other groups too have started in, in order to dent MoveOn's compatriots.

Start watching the ads, though. If around the middle of September, the ads surrounding MoveOn's cronies start to shift to attacks against local candidates, you know Kerry's dead in the water.

Normally, I do not quote articles here, but this one is very important. It explains, in straight terms, what we are up against with the fundamentalist muslims:

A Crusade We Must Win

The word “crusade” long ago became anathema to the politically correct. Nevertheless, America’s most successful wars were crusades fought against demonstrably evil foes to right blatant wrongs. The American Civil War, World Wars I and II and the Cold War (World War III) truly were crusades. So is World War IV.
Most Americans remain blithely oblivious to the true nature of this war. Indeed, a sizeable number think the fighting in Iraq constitutes a war distinct from the global war with al Qaeda, affiliated terrorist groups and supportive regimes like Iran. The Michael Moores among the liberal elite believe the War on Terror is a case of America the behemoth bullying Arabs to get petroleum. More extreme nutcases blather about a Bush cabal making war to spread Christianity throughout the Islamic world.
The United States is at war globally against an enemy determined to destroy Western Civilization based on institutions grounded in Judeo-Christian concepts like human dignity and political, economic and religious freedom. Victory demands a winning strategy. Clearly defined policy goals define and determine strategy. It is vital to know who we fight, why, and the strategic objectives.
In his 2002 State of the Union Address, President George W. Bush made Iran part of an Axis of Evil with North Korea and Saddam’s Iraq. Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright immediately dubbed Bush’s remarks “a big mistake.” Europeans winced, congressional liberals blanched and the intellectual elite scoffed.
Then, earlier this month, the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence confirmed Bush’s earlier characterization of Iran. It seems President Bush knew the enemy all along.
Iran also knows its enemies: the United States (the Great Satan) and Israel (the Little Satan). A quarter century ago, in November 1979, Iran went to war with the United States when the mullahs dispatched militant students to take over the U.S. Embassy in Tehran. In 1982, Iran established Hizbullah in Lebanon which has since attacked Israel from camps along the border and with terrorists dispatched from the Palestinian West Bank. Additionally, Iranian Intelligence directs Hizbullah cells in Europe, South America, Asia, Canada and the United States.
Under the alias “Islamic Jihad,” Hizbullah bombed the U.S. Embassy in Beirut in April 1983 and in October of that year sent a truck bomb into the Beirut U.S. Marine barracks, killing 220 Marines, 18 Navy and three U.S. Army personnel.
The following April, Islamic Jihad-cum-Hizbullah terrorists planted a bomb in a disco in Torrejon, Spain, killing eighteen U.S. soldiers. Shifting its attacks back to the Little Satan, over the next decade Hizbullah fired rockets from southern Lebanon into Israel, killing Israelis.
Today Hizbullah joins with Hamas and Yasir Arafat’s Fatah and the Al Aksa Martyr’s Brigades to send suicide bombers into Israel while Hizbullah jihadists battle American and Coalition forces in Iraq.
Iran is a formidable enemy. In June the Iranian government of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei sponsored a conference in Tehran at which mullahs called for an “Army of Martyrs” — Islamic kamikazes — to attack U.S. interests around the world. The conference concluded with a Revolutionary Guard official declaring, “If Muslims create fear in the heathen world, this fear is sacred.” The following Friday, calls went out from mosques across Iran urging volunteers for the Army of Martyrs. Jihad is a crusade by another name.
With the United Nations on Tehran’s case, the only reasonable hope for preventing Iran from developing nuclear weapons rests with the Israeli Air Force. Absent an Israeli preemptive strike, when the mullahs get the bomb they will expand Iran’s two-front war from attacks on Israel and on coalition forces in Iraq. They will intimidate and then destabilize moderate and pro-Western Arab regimes, especially those which host American bases. Meanwhile, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei will make good his promise “to harm America around the world” by unleashing Iran’s Army of Martyrs.
Regime change in Iraq is a key to this strategic paradigm. If the United States hangs tough to consummate President Bush’s visionary strategy for Iraqi democratization, the mullahs in Iran will come under increasing pressure. Despite Iran’s terrorism and ongoing war with Israel and the United States, Ayatollah Khamenei’s dictatorship is failing. His regime violates human rights massively, the economy is in shambles, drug use and street crime are rampant. Families and interests close to the regime enrich themselves while others suffer.
The mullahs know President Bush will stand firm and that if a democratic regime takes hold in Iraq they could be in trouble from internal elements yearning for democratic reform. That is why, at Iran’s behest, Hizbullah will increase its attacks in Iraq, ratcheting up the body count prior to the November elections.
Terrorist attacks against Israel will continue in hopes of prompting those Israeli counter-attacks sure to bring U.N. condemnations and elicit whining from squishy American liberal groups quick to condemn Israel but reluctant to speak out against Iranian and Palestinian terrorism.
Political correctness notwithstanding, World War IV is a crusade we must win.
Dr. Earl H. Tilford, appearing for the first time in The Jewish Press, is professor of History at Grove City College in Grove City, Pennsylvania. After retiring from the U.S. Air Force he served as professor of military history at the U.S. Air Force Air Command and Staff College and director of research at the U.S. Army`s Strategic Studies Institute. He has authored three books on the Vietnam War, co-edited a book on Operation Desert Storm and lectured throughout the U.S. and abroad.

I am irritated today.

I attempted to join, and be a part of, the meetup days. hosts the boards in order to get these things together.

Of course, I discover not only is the head of Nebraskans for Kerry a member, as is his son,  a member but another supposed 'conservative' member is planning on voting for Ralph Nader.

Obviously, this is not something I will continue to participate in, with these spies, traitors, and quislings sitting in on meetings, lying to people in order to disrupt things.

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

The Bush campaign went 'dark' this week, because they thought all the focus was going to be on the Democratic National Convention and John Kerry, so no reason to spend money on a losing cause.

Of course, the Kerry campaign has now making their candidate look like an absolute idiot in the past three days.

It started with 'the pitch', or I should say, the inability to pitch. It has now cascaded into 'BunnyGate' and as one website has put it "I was for taking those NASA photos before I was against it."

The only thing that would be worse for the Kerry campaign is to have Willie Horton show up and give a speech at the convention, at this point.

This campaign is definately turning into 'Bush vs Dukakis II: The Lt. Governor Strikes Out'. I expect the victory margin at this point to exactly mimic Bush-Dukakis, as long as Bush does the right thing and pulls out Willie for a reappearance.

This is a warning to delegates attending the Republican National Convention at the end of August:

While the Democrats cannot stand being insulted by Triumph the Insult Comic Dog, you will be expected to kowtow to the fat buddha of socialism, Michael Moore, as he attempts to make you look stupid and ignorant as he reports for USA Today.

Yes, I know what tactic Moore is planning on using, and that is the same technique he used on Bill O'Reilly. Unfortunately, like O'Reilly, if you are not ready for it, you are going to be made to look like an idiot. Moore constantly badgered with one question, that O'Reilly kept ducking, asking O'Reilly if he would sacrifice his child to get rid of Saddam.

O'Reilly never would answer the question straight out, thus putting the 'no spin' reporter into a tailspin of monumental proportions.

Here is the response to give Moore: "If it means removing a ideological follower of Adolf Hitler, a man who killed thousands of women and children, who tortured people for just looking funny at him, then the sacrifice of one life, even my own child, to accomplish that task is worth the pain and suffering it would cause me."

Moore's response to this will be something about a recruiting office, and your reply should be on the lines of: "My child is a sentient being that can make up their own mind about joining the military. Is it not what your side advocates, the 'freedom of choice'? Why don't you join, Michael, since this is tearing you up so much? You could use the exercise."

I expect you won't be bothered by Mr. Moore for the rest of the convention.

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

I have to give kudos to on these:

6:00pm - Opening flag burning ceremony.
6:30pm - Trubute to Kerry by his butler.
6:40pm - Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
7:00pm - Tribute theme and infomercial for Heinz Foods.
7:10pm - Collect offerings for Sandy Berger Defense Fund.
7:20pm - Ted Kennedy proposes a toast
7:25pm - Tribute theme to Florida.
7:45pm - Anti-war rally no. 2. (Moderated by Michael Moore)
8:00pm - John Kerry presents one side of the issues
8:25pm - Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
8:30pm - Using a voting machine workshop.
9:00pm - Gay marriage ceremony.
9:30pm - Slim-Fast Snack Break
10:00pm - Flag burning ceremony no. 2.
10:15pm - Re-enactment of Kerry's fake medal toss.
10:30pm - Cameo by Dean 'Yeeearrrrrrrg!'
10:40pm - Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
10:50pm - Pledge of allegiance to the U.N.
11:00pm - Double gay marriage ceremony.
11:15pm - Maximizing Welfare workshop.
11:20pm - John Kerry presents the other side of the issues
11:30pm - 'Free Saddam' pep rally.
11:59pm - Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
12:00am - Nomination of Democrat candidate.
12:01am - Ted Kennedy proposes a toast
12:03am - Ted Kennedy drives girls home..........
1:00 AM Ensemble Booing of Boy Scouts
1:30 AM Fellating the Hyphenate Vote
2:00 AM Interns Demonstrate a lewinsky.
2:00 AM Carville Spin Workshop
2:20 AM Al Gore Dials for Dollars
2:30 AM Kumbaya moment with Jesse Jackson
3:00 AM Raffle for free partial-birth abortion.
3:30 AM Address by Ssndy Berger on protecting national security
4:00 AM Live video feed: Osama endorsement

I don't know how many of you remember, have heard of, or have participated in what's called Model United Nations. This is a program, sponsored by the UN, where students take the role of various countries in the world and act like they are actually in the United Nations.

I have participated 4 times in my life in Model United Nations. The first time was back in 1985. Back then, I was the delegate from...Iraq.

Yes, Iraq. Since then, I've also played the delegate from Japan, and Luxembourg twice. Every time I have played, the issue of terrorism has come up...and I stopped going in 1990. During this time, I heavily researched terrorism, terrorist acts, and terrorist organizations. Moreso than a certain group currently holding a convention in Boston ever has, it is obvious from the speeches last night. At least, moreso than former President Carter.

I bring this up because President Carter is the main reason we are in the situation we are today with Osama Bin Laden. It was under President Carter that we started propping up the Saudi government's oppression of their own people. We started selling them F-15 jets, to offset and counterbalance our sales of the F-14 to the Shah of Iran, who was supposedly our ally at the time. Carter's policy of not getting involved doomed the Shah, causing Iran to fall to the fundamentalist movement.

The fundamentalists were oppressed in Saudi lands, and saw Iran as a great victory. They figured that if one fundamentalist group could take over a powerful nation, then they could pull off the same in Saudi Arabia.

Instead of pulling out our embassy staff until things chilled out, Carter ordered them to stay put. Thus, when the embassy was taken over by the radical students, and then Carter's ineffectiveness in either negotiating a release or freeing them with the abortive military action, it showed the United States was just a paper tiger. We could be pushed around by the fundamentalists. This again emboldened the fundamentalists in Saudi Arabia.

Then, when the Soviet Union was being defeated in Afghanistan, it was President Carter who first ordered the aid to the mujahadin. This aid kept expanding as the Soviets sank into their own quagmire. The fundamentalists saw a way to get funds, by fighting the Soviets, but stashing away the cash for later use. President Reagan expanded the program even farther, on the philosophy of the 'enemy of my enemy is my friend', which was a mistake. This is when Osama Bin Laden moved to Afghanistan, to build up his anti-Saudi forces by using the money given to him by the same people still propping up his true enemy, the Saudi government.

Throughout this time, however, and up to today, terrorist organizations worked together. The Japanese Red Army, on the behest of the PLO, hijacked 2 Israeli passenger jets. The IRA was getting training in PFLP (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine) camps in Yemen. Splinter groups formed, like Black September. Then, Iran and Syria joined in the mix, creating 'Islamic Jihad' and Hezbollah, to act in their interests.

Meanwhile, the Taliban was organizing in Afghanistan, in order to perform what the fundamentalists did in Iran. After the Soviets left, the Taliban used their saved cash to get the equipment to take over the country, despite opposition of the majority of the mujahadin groups. Osama used the Taliban as a cover for his own operations, now becoming a major terrorist threat against those who helped the Saudi government - primarily, the United States.

My point here is this: the vast majority of our problems in the Middle East were caused by President Carter's administration. So when he gets up in front of the French Party (as Ann Coulter calls them) and claims the United States has lost the 'trust' of the world, well...he was the one that started the problems in the first place.

Monday, July 26, 2004

The schedule of the Democratic National Convention tonight:

6:00pm - Opening flag burning ceremony.
6:05pm - Pledge of Allegiance to the United Nations
6:10pm - Secular words by Revs. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton
6:30pm - Anti-war concert by Barbra Streisand.
6:45pm - Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
7:00pm - Tribute theme to France. (Surrender To Me)
7:10pm - Collect offerings for al-Zawahri defense fund.
7:30pm - Tribute theme to Germany. (Deutchland Uber Alles)
7:45pm - Anti-war rally moderated by Michael Moore.
8:25pm - Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
8:30pm - Terrorist appeasement workshop.
9:00pm - Gay marriage ceremony for male and female couples.
9:30pm - CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN urge defeat of President Bush.
10:00pm - Posting the Iraqi Colors by Sean Penn and Tim Robbins
10:10pm - Reenactment of Kerry's fake medal toss.
10:20pm - Cameo by Dean 'Yeeearrrrrrrg!'
10:30pm - Abortion demonstration by N.A.R.A.L.
10:40pm - Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
10:50pm - Special thanks to the New York Times & Washington Post.
11:00pm - Multiple gay marriage ceremony for threesomes and groups.
11:15PM - Maximizing Welfare workshop.
11:30pm - Saddam Legal Defense Fund pep rally.
11:50PM - Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
12:00pm - Nomination of Democratic candidate.

NEW: 5:00am -Ted Kennedy Will Conduct a Swimming Class.

Time to get ready for the four day media lovefest of the Democrats and their convention.

In some ways, I am really glad the normal network news programs are not covering more than an hour a day of the convention. It gives them less time to praise Kerry and indoctrinate the sheep that watch the coverage. If you are planning on watching the convention, either for curiosity sake or because you need to raise your blood pressure, I would boycott the networks entirely and watch CSPAN, who does not interrupt things with moronic interviews, rear-kissing, or anything other than their biased call-in show before and after the convention and during breaks.

The news media is going to portray this convention as a 'positive' convention. We all know this is a farce - the only reason Kerry is getting the poll numbers he is, is because it is all about hating Bush. Just like how the modern Democrats hide the fact their party has turned into the Socialist party, the Democrats are going to try and hide the fact their entire agenda is 'beat Bush' and not anything positive for America or Americans.

Of course, the Democrat spin machine is already churning out that a crew member of Kerry's boat...did you know he was in Vietnam?...was going to speak about veteran's issues today. Wait a sec, isn't the appointed spokesman for Vets issues on the Democrats side Senator Max Cleland? Where is he? Well, he's not one of the 'beautiful people' that Kerry's team has selected to put out in front to show just how handsome their supporters are. Instead, we get Ron Reagan, who has always been a liberal and gay rights activist, and people like Ben Affleck, the Hollywood elitists. But, both of them, and others on the slate, are photogenic. This is why Michael Moore, George Soros, people like Max Cleland, etc. are not speaking.

So, you are getting a phony picture of the Democrats, from the phonies in the news media.

But then, that is par for the course. Do you hear anything from the media about who the largest corporate donors are to the DNC? They are, in no particular order: Viacom (who owns CBS), Time Warner (who owns CNN), General Electric (who owns NBC), and Disney (who owns ABC). Seeing this, of course they are going to give the most favorable coverage to the Democrats. In addition, all four companies livelyhood is dependent on actors, actresses, etc. Gee...the Hollywood elitists, who are supporting Kerry.

Do not be surprised by the biased coverage. The media is not only following their political biases, but also kowtowing to those who control the purse strings.

Friday, July 23, 2004

Subject: John Kerry's Resume`
NAME: John Kerry
RESIDENCE: 7 mansions, including Washington, DC, worth multi-millions.
EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Law Enforcement. I voted to cut every law enforcement, CIA and defense bill in my career as a US Senator. I ordered Boston to remove a fire hydrant Which I considered unsightly, in front of my mansion, thereby endangering my neighbors in the event of fire.
MILITARY: I used three minor injuries to get an early discharge from the military and service in Vietnam (as documented by the attending doctor). I then returned to the US, joined Jane Fonda in protesting the war, and insulted returning Vietnam vets, claiming they committed atrocities and were baby killers. I threw my medals, ribbons, or something away in protest. Or did I? My book; Vietnam Veterans Against the War: The New Soldier shows how I truly feel about the military. I deplore the military!
COLLEGE: I graduated from Yale University with a low C average. Unlike my counterpart George Bush, I have no higher education and did not get admitted to Harvard nor graduate with an M.B.A
PAST WORK EXPERIENCE: I ran for U.S. Congress and have been there ever since. I have no real world experience except that of a giggilo, by marrying rich women and running HJ Heinz vicariously through my wife Teresa.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: As a US Senator I set the record for the most liberal voting record, exceeding even Ted Kennedy and Hillary Clinton. I have consistently failed to support our military and CIA by voting against budgets, thus gutting our country's ability to defend itself. Although I voted for the Iraq War, now I am against it and refuse to admit that I voted for it. I voted for every liberal piece of legislation. I have no plan to help this country But I intend to raise taxes significantly if I am elected.
My wealth so far exceeds that of my counterpart, George Bush, that he will never catch up. I make no or little charitable contributions and have never agreed to pay any voluntary excess taxes in MA, despite family wealth in excess of $ 700 million.
I (we) own 28 manufacturing plants (Heinz) outside of the U.S. in places like Asia, Mexico and Europe. We can make more profit from the cheaper cost of labor in those Countries, although I Blame George Bush for sending all of the jobs out of Country.
Although I claim to be in favor of alternative energy sources, Ted Kennedy and I oppose windmills off Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard as it might spoil our view of the ocean as we cruise on our yachts.
I ride a Serotta Bike.
My Gulfstream V Jet I call The Flying Squirrel.
I call my $850,000 42-foot Hinckley twin diesel yacht the "Scarmouche".
I am fascinated by rap and hip-hop and feel it reflects our real culture.
I own several "Large" SUVs including one parked at my Nantucket summer mansion, though I am against large polluting inefficient vehicles and blame George Bush for the energy problems.