Thursday, September 02, 2004

It's been a few days since I've posted anything on here, due to other committments.

However, I'm back with a very simple message.

Democrats, are you one of the Democrats who joined the party of Roosevelt, Truman, and JFK, or have you joined the Democrats due to Jane Fonda, George McGovern, and Michael Moore?

If you are the former, look at your party. Your party used to be for making America strong. Their philosphy was to strengthen American workers and American products to outdo anyone else in the world. Now, your party has selected someone who has gone to China in order to outsource jobs, is for the United Nations to direct our troops, and is for treaties like the Kyoto Protocol, that will remove freedom from the American people.

This isn't why you joined the Democratic Party. This is not the candidate you should be supporting.

Read the words of Zell Miller's speech. He's a Democrat, and he's mad as hell that the party he joined has been co-opted by the rabid Marxists. Ed Koch is another Democrat upset at the way his party is moving towards Marxism. The Truman Doctrine contained Marxism in Europe. JFK fought against Marxism in Cuba and in Vietnam. Yet, you have allowed the Marxists to take over your party.


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