My email to MSNBC:
Dear Sirs,
I have normally kept quiet about journalists letting their political ideology cloud their actions on television. This time, however, two of your 'journalists' have gone too far.
Chris Matthews remarks and explosion towards a fellow journalist, Michelle Malkin, were uncalled for and show the fact that Mr. Matthews should remove such a distinguished title as 'journalist' from his resume. Even on an opinion show, a journalist is to strive to find the truth out about what is happening. Mr. Matthews, however, has refused to do such in not doing an investigation of "Unfit For Command", and has personally attacked by lies and innuendo those who have appeared on his show. The transcript of the program clearly shows Ms Malkin is correct in her statements about what happened on the program. Mr. Matthews should be made to apologize for both his actions on his program, and his press release which perpetuates the falsehoods that are disproven by his show's own transcripts.
Keith Olbermann, however, has gone beyond this, personally attacking Ms Malkin. Since when are personal attacks against a female permitted by MSNBC, NBC, and General Electric? MSNBC removed Michael Savage from the air for similar statements. Mr. Olbermann should be removed from his television program immediately, as what happened to Mr. Savage on your own network.
In previous years, accusations such as being put out by the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth would have been thoroughly investigated by the news media, and either proven or disproven. Neither Mr. Matthews or Mr. Olbermann, or their staffs have done such an invesigation. Such an investigation, by an unbiased and thorough journalist, is the only way to resolve the truth behind the accusations.
Insulting Ms Malkin's statements on the Hardball program is not journalism, nor are insults on Ms Malkin's character.