Friday, August 20, 2004

My email to MSNBC:

Dear Sirs,

I have normally kept quiet about journalists letting their political ideology cloud their actions on television. This time, however, two of your 'journalists' have gone too far.

Chris Matthews remarks and explosion towards a fellow journalist, Michelle Malkin, were uncalled for and show the fact that Mr. Matthews should remove such a distinguished title as 'journalist' from his resume. Even on an opinion show, a journalist is to strive to find the truth out about what is happening. Mr. Matthews, however, has refused to do such in not doing an investigation of "Unfit For Command", and has personally attacked by lies and innuendo those who have appeared on his show. The transcript of the program clearly shows Ms Malkin is correct in her statements about what happened on the program. Mr. Matthews should be made to apologize for both his actions on his program, and his press release which perpetuates the falsehoods that are disproven by his show's own transcripts.

Keith Olbermann, however, has gone beyond this, personally attacking Ms Malkin. Since when are personal attacks against a female permitted by MSNBC, NBC, and General Electric? MSNBC removed Michael Savage from the air for similar statements. Mr. Olbermann should be removed from his television program immediately, as what happened to Mr. Savage on your own network.

In previous years, accusations such as being put out by the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth would have been thoroughly investigated by the news media, and either proven or disproven. Neither Mr. Matthews or Mr. Olbermann, or their staffs have done such an invesigation. Such an investigation, by an unbiased and thorough journalist, is the only way to resolve the truth behind the accusations.

Insulting Ms Malkin's statements on the Hardball program is not journalism, nor are insults on Ms Malkin's character.

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Another campaign commerical idea:

Start with a picture of Leon Klinghoffer.

"This is Leon Klinghoffer, an American citizen with Jewish ancestry. He was on a cruise liner called the Achilles Lauro with his wife and other citizens of all nationalities. The Achilles Lauro was attacked by terrorists, led by this man..."

Show picture of Abu Nidal.

"Abu Nidal. At the time, the press heralded him as the most dangerous terrorist in the world. Abu Nidal escaped authorities, after killing Leon Klinghoffer. He fled to the one man who said he would protect him..."

Show picture of Saddam Hussein.

"Saddam Hussein. In the recent liberation of Iraq, Abu Nidal was killed, as were other terrorists and members of many terrorist organizations. To say Saddam Hussein did not harbor terrorists, or did not help the terrorist cause is not supported by the facts of these men being found on Iraqi soil, being protected."

Show picture of Saddam's statue being torn down.

"Iraq no longer supports terrorist organizations, thanks to the help of the Coalition of the Willing, 52 nations working together to stop people like Saddam Hussein from spreading terror. On November 2nd, you have a choice. Either stop terrorism before it can happen, or wait until more people lose their lives like Leon Klinghoffer."

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

"Comedian" Al Franken (comedian in quotes because I have never found the man funny, even on SNL) wrote a book about Liars, trying to call conservatives, Republicans, and especially George W Bush a liar.

Yet, once again, the liar proves to be John Kerry and those, like Franken, who support him.

The latest? John Kerry claiming to be Vice Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee. Uh, John...that was Bob KERREY. He doesn't even spell his last name the same!

I also love the fact that John had to have his personal barber flown out to the west coast to give him a trim. I'm sure someone out there is glad their $1000 contribution to Kerry's campaign paid for a haircut.

I just wish the American people weren't so blind to the realities of the world. I have been harping on those realities since 1985...I was a junior in high school then, and even then I understood. Yet, there are too many people both older and younger than me that are so blind as to not get what the world has turned into. These are the same folks that sat in front of their houses as Attila marched through the streets. These are the people that caused Athens to fall to the Spartans, and caused Rome to fall to the German barbarians. Conservatives? We're the Franks under Charles Martel, who pushed back the Muslim invaders of France. We're the Reconquista forces of Spain, driving out the invaders of our lands. We're the Hungarians, who stopped both Turkish forces and the Mongol horde.

And we are the Americans, who have been attacked twice on our soil. We defeated the first aggressor, and now they are an ally. We will defeat the second aggressor too, but only if we don't turn into the patricians of Rome by electing John Kerry.

Monday, August 16, 2004

Matt Margolis, the main blogger over at Blogs for Bush ( had this to say the other day:

It seems like Kerry just can't seem to get anywhere. Putting Edwards on the ticket didn't help him. Their convention didn't help him. Millions of dollars spent and a two week tour didn't help either. The reality of the situation is that Kerry is a weak candidate and the American people are rejecting the Kerry-Edwards campaign's message.

John Kerry is in big trouble. With two weeks to go before the GOP Convention, we can expect big things from the Bush campaign and I believe we'll see Bush open up a lead that Kerry will fail to catch up to.

I really respect Matt, and the amount of work and effort he has put into the site (I'm on the blogroll here). But...

Oh, come on, you knew I was setting that up...

Anyways, I think the Bush campaign needs a brain transfer on the way things are being run in this campaign. I see the great ads coming from the RNC and the Bush campaign, but...something just seems to be missing. Mind you, the other side is just coming out with hatred and venom spewing all over, but I feel there needs to be an edge to Bush's campaign that is not there. Thank god Karen Hughes and Peggy Noonan are coming back into the campaign organization. I hope it will be enough.

To expect any sort of big bounce to come out of the Republican Convention is an error. I don't think there will be a big bounce, but I do think the bounce is going to be larger than the minor bounce Kerry had. That's because Bush, when push comes to shove, makes one helluva stump speech. He did in 2000, which propelled him forward into the general election, he did on 9/11, and I think he'll do it again.

Another thing that needs to be done cannot be coordinated by the Bush campaign. Look at my two proposed ads earlier in this blog. Those kinds of ads really cannot be put out by Bush...but they CAN be put out by people like RightMarch or Club for Growth...the Republican 527s. We really need a big donor or two to offset the big 3 Democrat donors that are funding Media Fund, MoveOn, and the like. Has anyone thought of approaching Michael Dell to offset Stephen Bing? Or the Walton siblings to offset George Soros? Has anyone thought of doing advertisements that attack, not John Kerry, but directly target MoveOn/Media Fund/etc.?

The Republicans in the US Senate kowtowed to the Democrats, and got ran over. We cannot afford to have the same happen in the race for President.