Friday, August 13, 2004

This is a big recommendation for using Blogger/Blogspot for your blogs.

A few days ago I complained about the Kerry ads appearing on my site, and they have now given me a complimentary subscription to the Ads-Free membership.

At least SOMETHING is working today :-) Thanks Blogger!

John Kerry has to be a pathological liar. Now, he's changing his story to where he now claims he was in Cambodia in January, 1969.

Next, it will be Chinese New Year, February 1969.

How many Democrats are now kicking themselves for not selecting Gephardt, instead of Kerry, to beat Howard Dean?

Here's another campaign commercial that really needs to be produced. It is based on a rather famous (around Nebraska) ad that was aired by Bob Kerrey's campaign for Governor vs Kay Orr:

Older woman: Hello. I am here today to talk to you about negative campaigning. The presidential campaign of 2004 has turned into the nastiest, most negative campaign ever.

[play clip from the Hitler ad]

This is the kind of campaign advertising we have been getting this year. Comparing a political candidate to Hitler in an advertisement is purely negative. This ad, and others like them, have been created by an organization called They are not the only advertisements attacking the character of a sitting President. There are many of them, and many other statements that do not focus on real campaign issues.

[play clip from Michael Moore attacking Bush]

Legitimate campaign ads, though they might be negative, focus on things like a candidate's record, and not hatred. Hatred is what is motivating these people and organizations. Citizens of the United States of America should demand political advertisements focus on the record of the candidates in question and statements those candidates have made, and not personal attacks.

[play clip of John Kerry calling Bush supporters goons]

As of now, most of these disgusting advertisements are coming from groups that oppose the President. Yet, the Democratic candidate has said:

[play clip of Kerry calling for civility in political advertising]

Please call the Democratic Party today and ask them to follow their own advice, both for themselves and the organizations that support their candidate for president. America is not a place where hate should be tolerated.

Thursday, August 12, 2004

I just have to laugh.

The day AFTER I write about how you cannot treat terrorists with kid gloves, John Kerry says he wants to wage a more 'sensitive war' against terror.

I think the families of 3000 American citizens could tell you where you can stick your sensitivity, John...

I've had it with the Democrats.

Message to Bush and Cheney: Stop pussyfooting with these guys. The Democrats have basically dropped all civility, so drop the gloves and get in there.

And by all means, don't blow this election by being timid.

Put out an ad showing the following:

  • CLEARLY show the World Trade Center attacks. Then excerpt after those images lines from the President's speech at Ground Zero.
  • Force people to REMEMBER.
  • Then show Kalid Muhammad's face...Abu Nidal's face...other terrorists we have captured or killed, including Saddam Hussein, Uday and Qusay. List their crimes...those killed, who they killed.
  • Then ask the question. Do you want a strong leader who has been able to use the military to capture or kill terrorists like these, or do you want a weak leader, who can't even decide on what to vote for or against when it comes to terrorism?
The press and the Democrats will go into a tailspin, whining about the commercial. Who cares about them. This is about our freedom. This is about the survival of the United States of America. This is about American lives, lives that are going to be lost in the millions if John Kerry is elected.

On days like these, I wish I could run for political office. The amount of wishy-washy coming from Republicans is just amazing to me. Thank god for people like Ann Coulter, David Horowitz, and others out there that have stopped kowtowing to niceties.

I cannot run for political office due to four factors:

  1. My grades in college, especially my first college, were low
  2. I did some things back in my college days that George W Bush would call 'irresponsible'...not drinking, smoking, or drugs, though...but still would be damaging to any sort of political aspirations
  3. I have had bouts of depression that required medication
  4. I don't have the finances
The other three could be counteracted by the fourth, but alas it is not to be. Thus, I am stuck being a web designer for local government, when I want to be out there kicking liberal butt.

The reasons I think I would make a good elected official...NOT politician:
  1. I can motivate and lead people to greater things. (Been proven)
  2. I know proper English language, both for speaking and writing, though I do tend to speak like a construction worker more often than not (my dad was a construction worker for many years)
  3. I can give rousing speeches in front of people. I did so in 1985 at the Young Americans for Freedom convention (I wish that organization would restart...the College Republicans just aren't doing enough IMHO)
  4. I won't BS people with what the problems are in America and how I feel they need to be fixed
  5. I've worked in government bureaucracies for a number of years, and know where the red tape blocks real progress
  6. I am a conservative, but with a few libertarian leanings on some issues...NOT drugs, though!
  7. Though I am not a church goer, I believe in God and that God should not be excluded from either government or education, as God's teachings form the basis of morality that is the foundation of both
I wish I could run at this point. America needs those like me to become elected officials, not the rich wimps and lawyers.

Monday, August 09, 2004

You know, I think I should go into the bomb shelter creation industry if John Kerry gets elected. Maybe I can partner with the old Y2k folks, who sold survival rations to those wanting to survive those vicious year 2000 riots.

Because this time, they'd be used.

Let me put it another way: if John Kerry is elected, what happened on September 11, 2001 will be child's play. Perhaps it will be Boston, or maybe New York, Philadelphia, or Los Angeles, but the Islamists will hit a major US city when they aren't backpedaling like they currently are doing thanks to George W Bush. 4 million people will probably die, and maybe then...then John Kerry and the Democrats will understand this is World War III.

The Islamists aren't going to stop until they are eliminated. The US needs to understand this and act like it. Not suspend border patrols because someone is offended, not ignore the use of profiling that would have stopped the terrorists who hit the WTC. Islamists want us under the same law that prevents women from showing their face, kills women for receiving any sort of education, and blames the woman for a rape.

Don't you get it, Barbara Streisand and Linda Ronstadt? Don't you understand you will be beheaded first? Why are you and others of your ilk so blind to not see it coming?

Yep. I'm going to make bomb shelters. Then I'll make sure I turn all the profit into gold coins and hide them in my own shelter. I'll survive Shi'a law.