Friday, February 28, 2003

To all you liberal, anti-American people out there...

Yet another web reading, this time from the Daily Telegraph in London. Now, why in the world isn't the United States press reporting this? Maybe because it PROVES Iraq is hiding its chemical arsenal?;$sessionid$LC3M0JFDWOL1PQFIQMFSFFOAVCBQ0IV0?xml=/news/2003/02/28/wirq228.xml

I hear cries from the traitors that we're going to harm the Iraqi people, yet they ignore what has already occurred to the Iraqis and Kurds...

I hear rants from the traitors that we're doing this for oil, yet we didn't take over the oil fields after the first Gulf War...

I hear whines from the traitors that Bush is doing this for political gain, but the SAME people supported Bill Clinton's bombing of a baby formula factory in Sudan which turned out to be...a baby formula factory in Sudan...

Thursday, February 27, 2003

If I were interviewing Saddam Hussein, here are the kinds of questions I would have asked...

When you founded your party, had you just finished reading Mein Kampf?

When you were getting aid from the United States after Iran took US Embassy people hostage, did you already have plans to use that aid in your attempt to take over the Middle East?

When you attacked Iran in 1982, did you have to force the children to clear out the mine fields or did they do so voluntarily?

Why did you give refuge to Abu Nidal, and his terrorist organization?

When you used chemical weapons against Iran, what country gave them to you?

How many of your own people have you killed with your chemical weapons? What ratio of the populace is that compared to say, Hitler or Stalin?

Why do you oppose a democratic election in Iraq?

Why have you harbored an Al-Queda terrorist leader in Iraq, when wahabbism is the chosen religion of your hated enemy, Saudi Arabia?

Would you compare your hatred of the Kurds and Jews equal to Hitler's hatred of Gypsies and Jews?

Why is a 150 mile long, 50 mile wide country such a threat to you?

Why are you stockpiling UN food aid, which is supposed to be going to the people of your country?

Do you admire any of the following people: Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Muamar Qaddafi, Che Quevara?