I am really getting fed up with my own party on a number of things.
First and foremost: let's get our house in order before we can claim to have the ability to get the country in order.
There have been way too many philanderers, cheats, etc. elected to office as Republicans. The fact Dan Young, to take an example, is still leading in the polls even after the 'road to nowhere' garbage is just shameful. He is the poster boy for earmark corruption. The fact the national organization turns a blind eye to people like him just helps with Obama's 'change' bull.
Next, the party needs to get some spine. Stop trying to kiss up to the press, they will never be on our side. In the end, it is truth that will win the day. Yes, the American people CAN handle the truth when they are presented it. It is the Left that has to run behind smoke and mirrors.
Tell the truth about Obama's communist advisers. Tell the truth about his affiliations with black separatist terrorists. Tell the truth about his hatred of Jews and the Israeli state. Tell the truth about his 'change' being nothing but a smokescreen in order to force us to a lower standard of living.
Tell the truth about candidates running for the House and Senate that say one thing, but then do another when they get elected. Show them examples. Use their old campaign promises against them.
Point out the truth about the rape gangs supported by Saddam Hussein. Point out that the standard of living of the average Iraqi is improving by leaps and bounds. Show how women, and religion, are no longer being suppressed due to our invasion of Iraq. Stop letting the Left frame the war with the entire WMD mistake, when that was but one reason to get rid of Hussein. Put some of the Iraqis who have welcomed us to free them on our advertisements.
Third, stop hamstringing ourselves by not talking about the real issues. The Left politicizes the war, yet we cannot? That's ridiculous. It is time to put it out there. Even if you believe in climate change, point out that we've already been wrong on some things like the ozone layer, so emphasize more money for research, not radical plans based on some ubiquitous 'carbon footprint' baloney that has only been concocted within the past two years.
We've already blown it by putting up as our nominee one of the worst candidates we could find. Now we're stuck with him, but that doesn't mean we cannot prove Obama and his buddies at Daily KOS and MoveOn are infinitely worse for the kind of 'change' they will attempt to bring. 'Change' for the sake of change never, ever works out.