Thursday, August 12, 2004

I've had it with the Democrats.

Message to Bush and Cheney: Stop pussyfooting with these guys. The Democrats have basically dropped all civility, so drop the gloves and get in there.

And by all means, don't blow this election by being timid.

Put out an ad showing the following:

  • CLEARLY show the World Trade Center attacks. Then excerpt after those images lines from the President's speech at Ground Zero.
  • Force people to REMEMBER.
  • Then show Kalid Muhammad's face...Abu Nidal's face...other terrorists we have captured or killed, including Saddam Hussein, Uday and Qusay. List their crimes...those killed, who they killed.
  • Then ask the question. Do you want a strong leader who has been able to use the military to capture or kill terrorists like these, or do you want a weak leader, who can't even decide on what to vote for or against when it comes to terrorism?
The press and the Democrats will go into a tailspin, whining about the commercial. Who cares about them. This is about our freedom. This is about the survival of the United States of America. This is about American lives, lives that are going to be lost in the millions if John Kerry is elected.

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