I normally only write to my local paper. Today, though, was an exception because it plays right into previous posts here.
The post I refer to is at http://www.chattanoogan.com/articles/article_58164.asp.
Dear Editors,
I am not a Tennessee native, I live in Nebraska, another 'red' state. I read, however, the article by Mr Tim Price calling conservatives and those who voted for Bush 'fascists'.
Mr. Price needs to go back to his history books at the University of Tennessee-Chattanooga and learn a little bit about what the meaning of the word 'fascism' is, as well as the related term that the left like himself like to label us conservatives as - Nazis.
Nazism first stands for 'National Socialist German Worker's Party'. This should first raise some suspicions about where Mr. Price is directing his statements, considering those of the Left in this country are the socialists. If one then looks into Mein Kampf, written by Hitler, you discover the four basic tenets of the Nazi beliefs. This includes control of the mass media to indoctrinate the people, as well as control of major industry. People are to become dependent on the goodness of the state to provide for them, while they work for the glory of the state. In other words, social programs keep the people in line. Lastly, of course, is the hatred of the Jewish people, but what does Hitler really say about this? He says the Jewish people control the banks, therefore the Nazis must take the banks back. But, Hitler also states that the Jews created Communism in order to subvert the Socialist ideals.
When Mr. Price, and others of his ilk, attack 'fascism', he is in fact attacking nationalism. Honestly, nationalism is a separate creed than fascism. Fascism and Nazism deal with the economics and government. Nationalism, however, is opposed by internationalism on one hand, and anarchy on the other. When those that support Mr. Price claim they are anarchists, they are in fact internationalists. Anarchy is the total absence of government. This does not mean people are 'equal', in fact anarchy is exactly the opposite of that. People are what they are, and the most powerful people rule. The days of the Tennessee frontier after the Revolutionary War are much closer to an anarchy situation than what the so-called anarchists want this day and age. They want communism, or in general parlayance, government-controlled equality. Everyone is to be forced into being equal. Not only is that the opposite of anarchy, it is also the opposite of capitalism.
As has been shown in the world, forced equality does not work. Freedom does. On Tuesday, the people of both Tennessee and Nebraska joined with over 50 million other people to vote for capitalism, for national pride which could be called nationalism, and for freedom.
Mr. Price and others want to take away your freedom in order to enforce their version of equality. Remember that the next time you go to the polls to vote.
Friday, November 05, 2004
Posted by Unknown at 4:45 PM
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
Well, today is the day.
Do we reelect a President who saw us through 9/11, and understands the goals of terrorists?
Or do we elect a wimp, who can't show he really has any sort of plan at all?
You know who I am voting for, and though I am in a 'Red' state, I have already voted and encourage people to go out and vote FOR freedom, FOR women's rights, FOR America, in other words: FOR George W Bush.
Posted by Unknown at 10:05 AM
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