As I sit here at work, I am looking at stories on the internet concerning all the ‘caution’ that is being urged before the United States goes in and eliminates Saddam Hussein’s reign of terror in Iraq.
Enough is enough.
Let us go through the facts first, to see why Hussein needs to be eliminated:
· On June 7, 1981, Israel bombed an Iraqi nuclear reactor before it came online, because Israeli Intelligence figured out that Iraq was going to use the spent fuel from the reactor, refine it, and use it to make a nuclear weapon. That reactor is now online according to some reports, despite being hit once again during Desert Storm.
· In the 1980s, Iraq used chemical warfare agents in its border dispute with neighboring Iran. At the time, the United States backed Iraq on the principle of ‘the enemy of our enemy is our friend.’
· In the 1990s, Iraq used those same chemical agents to suppress a revolt by the Kurds in northern Iraq.
· In 1990, Iraq invaded Kuwait, causing Desert Storm. Though Iraq was defeated, it was our allies in the Arab world that prevented us from moving all the way to Baghdad and eliminating Hussein. Do not believe the lies spread by those secretly against the United States, stating it was the Bush administration at the time that did not act. The United States did not act because of our fragile ‘coalition’ partners. This is now well documented on various places on the Internet.
· On September 11, 2001, terrorists destroyed the World Trade Center.
· On September 14, 2001, Congress gave its approval to go after terrorists to “use all necessary and appropriate force against those nations, organizations, or persons he determines planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored such organizations or persons, in order to prevent any future acts of international terrorism against the United States by such nations, organizations or persons.” With that resolution, the United States went into Afghanistan and eliminated the Taliban/Al-Qaida rule there. In the process, due once again to ally pressure, the United States did not eliminate Mohammad Omar, the leader of the Taliban, when the US knew exactly where he was at the time. It is believed by a number of sources that many of the survivors of the attack have moved from Pakistan to Iran and Iraq.
Let’s add one more fact to this list: Osama bin Laden has not been heard from since, despite cooked up interviews that turned out to be previous footage spliced together. Every day he does not appear is another day where he can be presumed dead. This is not a comic book, where if there is no body the villain got away. Yet, at least one prominent internal enemy to this country believes we should not do anything else until we find bin Laden’s corpse.
And yes, I said ‘internal enemy’. Enough is enough. There are those in Congress and those who want so desperately to take out the President of this country in a political fashion that they will sacrifice the sovereignty of this country, the safety of its people, and their own livelihoods just to do so.
And yes, I point directly at you, leadership of the Democratic Party.
A man once said, “Those that do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” Let me give a couple of examples:
· Neville Chamberlain making the deal with Adolf Hitler, which sold out Czechoslovakia to Nazi Germany in hopes that would appease Hitler’s desire for all of Europe. Is this not the exact same as the UN trying to convince Hussein to let the inspectors back in?
· Rome’s bargain with Attila the Hun to not come and sack Rome. This caused many other groups to see Rome was weak and start attacking its frontiers, and eventually led to the Visigoths destroying the Roman Empire for good. Is this not the exact same as what certain leaders of this country want to do and instead of eliminate the threat of Hussein, want to extend him loans and other economic incentives to ‘change his ways’?
· The Mongols attacking Europe is another example. Many countries did not think the Mongols posed any threat. Poland and Hungary learned otherwise, but yet no help was forthcoming from England, France, or the Holy Roman Empire. It was only Ghengis Khan’s untimely natural death that caused Europe to be spared the Mongol horde. Is this what the Democratic leadership is hoping for, that Saddam Hussein gets a head cold and dies?
· Spain’s reconquest of their territory, and thus the creation of Spain as we know it, is an example we should learn from. They got little to no help from the other European powers, especially after the Almorhads were forced back from France. However, without any help, Spain went and pushed the Almorhads out of Toledo, Valencia, and the rest of Spain. This is exactly what the United States is facing today, when it comes right down to it. We face a foe that can be seen, despite what the news media says. Those faces are Hussein of Iraq, Assad of Syria, Qaddafi of Libya, the rulers of Sudan, the rebels of the Phillipines, the Shining Path of Peru, and especially Arafat of Palestine.
But despite the evidence, despite the prior acts by Iraq and their terrorist allies like the Abu Nidal network (though Nidal committed suicide, his network survives…in Baghdad.), the Democrats are only concerned with their poll numbers. They are only concerned with making the President look bad to the people, and will sacrifice this country to do it. There is only one word that can describe such people.
Thursday, January 30, 2003
Posted by Unknown at 11:18 AM
Wednesday, January 29, 2003
Welcome to my first attempt at a Web Log/Blog...
Who am I? I am a web developer that works for the government. I've worked in education and government for a number of years, observing the political process and I have finally gotten to a point where I need to write down what I am thinking on politics and gaming. That's why I decided to start one of these up.
This blog will mainly be political in nature, though. Let's get something straight: I'm a conservative, leaning towards libertarian. That's not 'Liberal'. I'm going to tell you like it is, and will not sugar coat my thoughts and ideas. I am not brainwashed by Hollywood, or Tom Daschle. Many people won't like what I say, because they want to live in a world with rose-colored glasses on. Sorry, but denying reality will only make things worse in the long run, and denying the United States is currently in World War III is denying reality.
Posted by Unknown at 4:30 PM