Thursday, October 30, 2008

Jumpstarting a Movement

Many sites have been speculating about how the fiscal conservative movement, combined perhaps with help from libertarians, can reconfigure itself for the next election. As I stated on The Next Right blog in the comments concerning this, I believe a 'cloud'-like approach is how we should organize.

Here's the idea:

Set up a certain core of bloggers having specialties on the different aspects of government. For example, a conservative blogger for health care issues, a conservative blogger for environmental issues, etc. These would be true experts in the field in question, not just people like myself (though I could probably handle the high-tech or terrorism blogs).

These are interconnected to one another through a conservative portal. This overall arcing site would tie everything together. Now, theoretically, this would be the RNC website, but if the elitist snobs currently in charge are not removed, the site will have to be elsewhere.

In addition, resources need to be provided for campaigns. Anyone who is a conservative (defined, btw, via a questionnaire), and running for elective office would be allowed to have a small site. This site would allow connections for donations via a service like Slatecard among other resources. These sites would be designed by someone with web experience, though content could be maintained by the various campaigns or via RSS feeds from campaign websites.

Again, resources will also have to be non-electronic in this situation. We cannot let non-conservatives run unopposed, especially in national and high state offices. Yes, this means fielding and providing support to primary opponents of RINOs. No one should be complacent in their office.

We have to be willing to spend the money to make this movement work. We have a lot of disjointed pieces out there, from the talk show hosts, to sites like The New Right, to sites like Free Republic, to candidates like John Culberson, etc. Web 2.0 constructs like Digg, Twitter, Facebook and the like exist, but they are underutilized.

Lastly, we need to move to a next generation of leadership for the fiscal conservative movement. John McCain is going to lose this election more because he looks old than due to principles. Many in our party qualify, but the only way to get them into leadership is to remove the old guard Ford Republicans from their lofty perches. Positions need to be by merit, not by seniority.

We have a good start with all of this, but I don't know if we'll be able to drag McCain over the finish line. In the future, we have people like Sarah Palin, Bobby Jindal, Eric Cantor, and others, and they give us a great potential. Win or lose, we must put things into motion or else that potential will be lost.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Duck Tales

Bill O'Reilly's Talking Points for today concerned Obama, and whether he is a socialist or not. O'Reilly seems to think he's not, but he ended his commentary with "If it quacks like a duck, it may not be a duck."

Let's look closer at this, using the 'duck' analogy:

  • Obama got his 'wings' underneath him by working as a community organizer with the group ACORN, whose charter is a mirror image of socialist policies.
  • Obama got his 'feet wet' in politics at the home of William Ayres, an avowed Marxist and former terrorist. Obama also endorsed Ayres book, with his picture and dedication inside on original publication.
  • Obama 'groomed his feathers' amongst a group called the New Party, a group of Socialists based in Chicago. Obama has denied being a member, but Chicago newspapers at the time disagree with that assessment, calling him a member of the group.
  • Obama has been 'flapping his beak' about redistribution of wealth, using terms almost identical to that of Karl Marx.
  • Obama is going to cause middle America to fund most of the 'bill' he's trying to impose on corporations, either through job losses or higher prices.

So, Mr. O'Reilly, I think there is more than a 'quack' to prove Obama is a socialist.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I saw this posted on the infamous boards. What's so sad is it is quite true, despite the Obamadrones trying to shoot it down.

Notice to All Employees

As of November 5, 2008, when President Obama is officially elected into office, our company will install a few new
policies which are in keeping with his new, inspiring issues of change and fairness:

1. All salespeople will be pooling their sales and bonuses into a common pool that will be divided equally between all of you. This will serve to give those of you who are underachieving a 'fair shake.'

2. All low level workers will be pooling their wages, including overtime, into a common pool, dividing it equally
amongst yourselves. This will help those who are 'too busy for overtime' to reap the rewards from those who have more
spare time and can work extra hours.

3. All top management will now be referred to as 'the government.' We will not participate in this 'pooling'
experience because the law doesn't apply to us.

4. The 'government' will give eloquent speeches to all employees every week, encouraging it's workers to continue to work hard 'for the good of all.'

5. The employees will be thrilled with these new policies because it's 'good to spread the wealth.' Those of you who have underachieved will finally get an opportunity; those of you who have worked hard and had success will feel more

6. The last few people who were hired should clean out their desks. Don't feel bad, though, because President Obama will give you free healthcare, free handouts, free oil for heating your home, free food stamps, and he'll let you stay in your home for as long as you want even if you can't pay your mortgage. If you appeal directly to our democratic congress,
you might even get a free flat screen TV and a coupon for free haircuts (shouldn't all Americans be entitled to nice looking
hair?) !!!

If for any reason you are not happy with the new policies, you may want to rethink your vote on November 4th.

Monday, October 27, 2008

In my previous post, I talked of things that will happen under an Obama presidency. Let me now switch gears and discuss a few things that won't happen.

Net Neutrality as it should be
As it is envisioned, net neutrality is supposed to make it so internet service providers do not block content. It is also supposed to prevent the government from imposing censorship. It is the latter part that will not happen. Why do I say that? Remember which party was involved in trying to censor rock album lyrics? It was Tipper Gore and the Democrats who attempted that. Who was the primary sponsor of the anti-child pornography bill, to restrict minor's access to porn? Senator James J Exon, a Democrat from Nebraska was the primary sponsor. (For those who do not know, Senator Exon was also the primary sponsor that created the Internet...not Al Gore, who was just a co-sponsor). Which candidate is in the back pocket of RIAA and MPAA? Obama, who I expect will force any net neutrality bill to include an exception for bit torrent traffic: the exact protocol trying to be freed up by many of those proposing net neutrality. As such, we will not achieve true net neutrality under Obama.

Slowdown of jobs going overseas
As in my previous article, businesses are going to have to make a choice in either raising prices or else reducing costs to pay for Obama's tax increases. A number of companies, including Obama supporters like Google, are eyeing Europe and specifically Ireland for facilities. These will increase in size as the tax burden rises, causing a high tech job drain far greater than what India's call centers have provided.

Decrease in obesity in poor families
The more food prices increase, the more people forsake good meals for cheap, fat-filled meals. Despite efforts by Obama's allies to 'punish' fast food for the obesity epidemic, it will only get worse as the price of food goes up.

Major scientific breakthroughs by the United States
For the next few years, as R&D budgets are cut by companies, and price controls imposed on things like medical products through universal health care, the amount of progress towards scientific breakthroughs will slow. Europe and China, however, are poised to take over in this area. With India now looking towards manned space missions to the moon, China well on its way towards that goal, the European space station and advances there all will dwarf our accomplishments in these areas. Frankly, with the amount of money Obama will be spending on his social engineering experiment, NASA will be nearly depleted.

Education scores
Many who look at our school system realize government interference and dependence on the teacher's union have been an abject failure. Throwing more money at the problem will only make it worse. Add to that a major falacy behind socialism/communism: to have enough people to work in certain jobs, if you are not providing incentives for them to join the workforce, you will have to force people into those jobs. Yes, this is honestly why liberals want illegal immigrants because any attempt to force people to take the menial jobs would cause a civil war. I believe it was Brave New World that had the education system that preselected your career. I know that Futurama's first episode was entirely about this, where people are 'chipped' to determine what career they can become. This is the only way true socialism, the removal of 'greed', and all the other buzzwords of liberalism can come into being. Education scores will continue to fall, and the teacher's union will push to try and eliminate home schooling as an alternative. This is the 'dumbing down' of America many conservatives talk about. Meanwhile, Europe and especially Asia will rise, adding to the scientific progress mentioned above.

I realize I am being a pessimist. But all of these, and many more, will come to pass by electing someone whose entire vision is 'Hope and Change'. His change will be for the worst, and the worst possible scenarios are not something I really want to live through.

So, please America, listen to me and others like me who see through the smokescreen. Do not vote for Obama. If, for some reason, you feel you cannot vote for McCain, vote for Barr. Do not vote for the dissolution of our way of life by voting for Obama.