Monday, October 25, 2004

Once again, an article appears in the media which claims Kerry is smart, Bush is dumb, and we Bush supporters are stupid.

Guess what?

The smartest woman in the world, Marilyn Vos Savant, supports Bush.

I support Bush, and my IQ has been measured in the 99th percentile.

Bush's IQ has been measured in the 95th percentile.

Kerry's IQ has been measured in the 91st percentile.

Bush may not have gotten good grades in school, but neither did I...because, in my case, my classes did not appeal to me. When the class did, even if it was outside of my field of study (Native American History and English Literature come to mind as qualifying), I did well. Same with the President. So, the President could not remember the name of some leaders of least he knows it isn't 'Lambert Field' either. He may not know where Saddam hid his WMDs (though Syria is a good educated guess), but he does know small things - like the Buckeyes play in Ohio and not Michigan, that being a mother is the most important job in the world, and that one should always double-check publicity photographs before being released to the media.

He also knows that if he's relying on votes from Animal Rights activists, one should not go hunting and kill a goose and be photographed with it.

There is a difference between intelligence and wisdom. Kerry may be intelligent, but he sure has shown how much of a moron he is in the wisdom department.

And what we need is a WISE leader, not a smart one.

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