Miss a day, and you feel like you are out of the loop...
I had to train some more sheriffs on their website I helped developed, so I missed a whole lot of things yesterday.
The biggest thing was Quincy Carter getting canned from the Cowboys. Quincy violated the terms of his drug rehab and got tested positive for 'something'. Take my advice Quincy, get your life straightened out before you try and come back and stop acting like the victim. Don't be a liberal and try to blame everyone else for your own shortcomings. You'll be a better person for it.
To those people planning on demonstrating in an illegal fashion in New York at the end of the month: I hope you realize that you are going to make more people come out to vote against your annointed Lurch. The more you disrupt, the more you tick off the common man. And that common man is going to go into the polls and remember how uncivil one side has been throughout these elections.
To John Kerry: Thanks for becoming the nominee. Bush would have lost against Gephart or Lieberman. Now, thanks to your own incompetence and your wife's insanity, Bush has gotten the bump from the polls he needed, and will get another, death-blow dealing bump after people hear his convention speech and compare it to your own. Bush-Dukakis II, coming to voting booths in November.
To Heinz Company: A big thanks to you for coming out and pointing out the fact though John and Teraaaaaaza may own preferred stock, they don't run your company and in fact most of your board of directors are Republicans. I'll go back to enjoying your products now.
To Factcheck.org: You had better check your facts. The Heinz Endowment gives to more than just Tides, and it isn't just Tides that funds communist causes. However, please explain the $4 million since 1995 the Howard Heinz Endowment has given to Tides Foundation and Center.
On Tides, though, from http://www.activistcash.com :
The Tides Center board of directors has been especially busy of late. In 2001 the first Tides “franchise” office (not counting Tides’ presence in Washington and New York) was opened in Pittsburgh. This new outpost, called the Tides Center of Western Pennsylvania, was erected largely at the urging of Pittsburgh native Teresa Heinz (the widow of Senator John Heinz, the ketchup heir). Heinz pulls more strings in the foundation world than almost any other old-money socialite; she’s presently married to U.S. Senator John Kerry (D-MA). The Tides Foundation has collaborated on funding projects with the Heinz Endowments (Teresa Heinz’s personal domain) for over 10 years.
Among the most unbelievable “projects” of the Tides Center is something called the Institute for Global Communications (www.igc.org). IGC is a clearinghouse for Leftist propagandists of all stripes, including living-wage advocates, anti-war protesters, slave-reparations hucksters, and a wide variety of extreme environmentalists. In February 2002 Orange County Register columnist Steven Greenhut called it “a network of the loony left” that “has to be seen to be believed… One alert posted in an IGC member conference calls for financial support for the Earth Liberation Front… Another message warns readers against cooperating with the FBI.”
The Chronicle of Philanthropy has documented this sort of America-bashing before. In a November 15, 2001 story, the Chronicle reported that the Tides Center had given the Independent Media Center (IMC) $376,000 -- ironically, from its “9/11 fund.” IMC is a notorious bastion of far left, radical viewpoints, and also serves as an organizing outpost for all sorts of large-scale protest activity. In particular, the IMC served as a “virtual” staging ground prior to the April 20, 2002 anti-war protests in Washington, DC. Visitors to the IMC web site can read the rantings of “black bloc” anarchists, violent animal-rights criminals, and an assortment of anti-American advocates, all brought to you by the Tides Center and its tax exemption.
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