Friday, February 21, 2003

More reading, this time humorous...

There is a great article on CNSNews today, with a very good analogy of what US vs Iraq would be like if Iraq was a restaurant and the US the inspectors, with the UN the restaurant association... check it out here..

In other news, Johnnie Cochran (sp?) is going to represent some of the families whose family members were hurt or killed in that Chicago nightclub panic. Jesse Jackson is backing the nightclub owner. This makes me feel a lot better about Cochran, that he'll stand up against his own kindred spirits if he feels the cause is just. He may still be a liberal, but he's raised himself up to my like of Sam Donaldson if he follows through with these lawsuits. I get along with principled liberals. Unfortunately, most these days are not.Those that rant and rave on both sides of the aisle really upset Kyle Hutchings, Kathleen McCallister, and Mike Boyle in Douglas County, Nebraska. The first two are Republicans, the last a Democrat, but all three think with their hearts and not with their heads.

Meanwhile, Nebraska's resident hothead has taken a break from accusing everyone in the state of being more racist than Apartheid South Africa and is now getting his bill passed to pay football players a stipend while they are in football season. This is probably one of only two issues I'll ever agree with Mr. Chambers on, but I do agree. Thunder Collins would still be on the Nebraska team if a stipend would have been available. As such, he violated team and NCAA rules by trying to work a side job to support himself and his kid brother. That, frankly, sucks, and the system needs changing badly.

Thursday, February 20, 2003

Words from one who should know...

Some of you may remember the name Alistair Cooke, usually associated with the BBC production of Masterpiece Theatre. He's still around, and giving commentaries in the United Kingdom, and he has a great piece that appears on Frontpage Magazine's website today. Frontpage, btw, is owned by David Horowitz, who most recall as 'Fight Back with David Horowitz'. Well, David wisened up and is now one of the loudest and most controversial spokesmen for conservatism these days.

Instead of reprinting the column here, go to Frontpage Magazine's web site and read Alistair's column.

You will be enlightened.