Friday, July 30, 2004

Senator Kerry gave the 'speech of his life' last night.

Man, it must be a real pain to be undead...

Look, Senator, you are as phony as those Hollywood folks backing your campaign. You cannot go out there and run on your legislative record, or even your record as a Lieutenant Governor. You have gone out and repeated the Vietnam mantra over and over again, even though you were only on active duty for 4 months, and caused two of your three purple hearts yourself. Oh, that's right. I'm not supposed to criticize your war record because that's a 'personal attack'. And you and your supporters attacking George Bush on his National Guard service isn't? Your people started that attack 4 years ago, Mr. Kerry.

You claim you want civility in the national election, but your staff retorts any attempts to show your record as 'mean spirited' or 'right wing conservative attack dogs'. Your supporters call us conservatives everything from 'babykillers' to 'nazis', even though I have proven your followers have far more in common to Adolf Hitler than John F Kennedy.

No, Mr. Kerry. Your party is the one who has broken civility, then you want to try and get up on a high horse and claim moral superiority.

That is not going to fly this time. I, and many others, are calling you out right now on this.

You tell your followers to stop the personal attacks, such as what happened at the New York Event with Whoopi. I want you to get up and publically denounce that event, as not fitting with the tone you want to set for the campaign. I want you to get up and tell Michael Moore in his face to knock off the snide comments about Republicans. I want you to tell people like Al Gore to stop acting like Ann Richards in 1988.

But, Mr. Kerry, you don't have the guts to do that. You believe everything these people are saying, so you won't put them back on a civil path. Then, you will claim you are not attacking George Bush and his supporters in a personal manner.

This proves one thing, Mr. Kerry...

You are a fraud.

A fraud who should never be elected as president of the United States.

Thursday, July 29, 2004

On some message boards I frequent, I have seen a couple of posts about how Bush should not be advertising now.

Sorry, but you folks are absolutely wrong.

See, the reason Kerry did not want to accept the nomination until the end of August was monetary. The moment the nomination is accepted, campaign finance limits kick in. That's why Kerry's campaign is going dark for a month, because they know they cannot afford to post advertisements that will spend money needed in October.

Bush, on the other hand, gets the luxury of September 2 to accept, thereby having an extra month to use his PRIMARY donations to spend for advertising. It is a use it or lose it proposition here, so now, in August, it is a perfect time to unleash with the rest of the money he is allowed to use for the primary.

Kerry's campaign is scared of this. They know things are going to turn against their candidate, which is why they need the bump coming out of the convention. Instead, all they are getting is a bump on the head for tripping over their own feet with fiascos like the flubbed pitch and the Oompa Loompa outfit that made Kerry look like a dork. Those are the stories coming out of the convention, and not what they needed.

Kerry has a backup, though. MoveOn, Media Fund, etc. can still put out advertisements. But I think the Republican 527s are about to unleash as well, that no one has paid attention to...the most damaging is already stealing Kerry's thunder, the Swift Boat Vets. Club for Growth, and other groups too have started in, in order to dent MoveOn's compatriots.

Start watching the ads, though. If around the middle of September, the ads surrounding MoveOn's cronies start to shift to attacks against local candidates, you know Kerry's dead in the water.

Normally, I do not quote articles here, but this one is very important. It explains, in straight terms, what we are up against with the fundamentalist muslims:

A Crusade We Must Win

The word “crusade” long ago became anathema to the politically correct. Nevertheless, America’s most successful wars were crusades fought against demonstrably evil foes to right blatant wrongs. The American Civil War, World Wars I and II and the Cold War (World War III) truly were crusades. So is World War IV.
Most Americans remain blithely oblivious to the true nature of this war. Indeed, a sizeable number think the fighting in Iraq constitutes a war distinct from the global war with al Qaeda, affiliated terrorist groups and supportive regimes like Iran. The Michael Moores among the liberal elite believe the War on Terror is a case of America the behemoth bullying Arabs to get petroleum. More extreme nutcases blather about a Bush cabal making war to spread Christianity throughout the Islamic world.
The United States is at war globally against an enemy determined to destroy Western Civilization based on institutions grounded in Judeo-Christian concepts like human dignity and political, economic and religious freedom. Victory demands a winning strategy. Clearly defined policy goals define and determine strategy. It is vital to know who we fight, why, and the strategic objectives.
In his 2002 State of the Union Address, President George W. Bush made Iran part of an Axis of Evil with North Korea and Saddam’s Iraq. Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright immediately dubbed Bush’s remarks “a big mistake.” Europeans winced, congressional liberals blanched and the intellectual elite scoffed.
Then, earlier this month, the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence confirmed Bush’s earlier characterization of Iran. It seems President Bush knew the enemy all along.
Iran also knows its enemies: the United States (the Great Satan) and Israel (the Little Satan). A quarter century ago, in November 1979, Iran went to war with the United States when the mullahs dispatched militant students to take over the U.S. Embassy in Tehran. In 1982, Iran established Hizbullah in Lebanon which has since attacked Israel from camps along the border and with terrorists dispatched from the Palestinian West Bank. Additionally, Iranian Intelligence directs Hizbullah cells in Europe, South America, Asia, Canada and the United States.
Under the alias “Islamic Jihad,” Hizbullah bombed the U.S. Embassy in Beirut in April 1983 and in October of that year sent a truck bomb into the Beirut U.S. Marine barracks, killing 220 Marines, 18 Navy and three U.S. Army personnel.
The following April, Islamic Jihad-cum-Hizbullah terrorists planted a bomb in a disco in Torrejon, Spain, killing eighteen U.S. soldiers. Shifting its attacks back to the Little Satan, over the next decade Hizbullah fired rockets from southern Lebanon into Israel, killing Israelis.
Today Hizbullah joins with Hamas and Yasir Arafat’s Fatah and the Al Aksa Martyr’s Brigades to send suicide bombers into Israel while Hizbullah jihadists battle American and Coalition forces in Iraq.
Iran is a formidable enemy. In June the Iranian government of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei sponsored a conference in Tehran at which mullahs called for an “Army of Martyrs” — Islamic kamikazes — to attack U.S. interests around the world. The conference concluded with a Revolutionary Guard official declaring, “If Muslims create fear in the heathen world, this fear is sacred.” The following Friday, calls went out from mosques across Iran urging volunteers for the Army of Martyrs. Jihad is a crusade by another name.
With the United Nations on Tehran’s case, the only reasonable hope for preventing Iran from developing nuclear weapons rests with the Israeli Air Force. Absent an Israeli preemptive strike, when the mullahs get the bomb they will expand Iran’s two-front war from attacks on Israel and on coalition forces in Iraq. They will intimidate and then destabilize moderate and pro-Western Arab regimes, especially those which host American bases. Meanwhile, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei will make good his promise “to harm America around the world” by unleashing Iran’s Army of Martyrs.
Regime change in Iraq is a key to this strategic paradigm. If the United States hangs tough to consummate President Bush’s visionary strategy for Iraqi democratization, the mullahs in Iran will come under increasing pressure. Despite Iran’s terrorism and ongoing war with Israel and the United States, Ayatollah Khamenei’s dictatorship is failing. His regime violates human rights massively, the economy is in shambles, drug use and street crime are rampant. Families and interests close to the regime enrich themselves while others suffer.
The mullahs know President Bush will stand firm and that if a democratic regime takes hold in Iraq they could be in trouble from internal elements yearning for democratic reform. That is why, at Iran’s behest, Hizbullah will increase its attacks in Iraq, ratcheting up the body count prior to the November elections.
Terrorist attacks against Israel will continue in hopes of prompting those Israeli counter-attacks sure to bring U.N. condemnations and elicit whining from squishy American liberal groups quick to condemn Israel but reluctant to speak out against Iranian and Palestinian terrorism.
Political correctness notwithstanding, World War IV is a crusade we must win.
Dr. Earl H. Tilford, appearing for the first time in The Jewish Press, is professor of History at Grove City College in Grove City, Pennsylvania. After retiring from the U.S. Air Force he served as professor of military history at the U.S. Air Force Air Command and Staff College and director of research at the U.S. Army`s Strategic Studies Institute. He has authored three books on the Vietnam War, co-edited a book on Operation Desert Storm and lectured throughout the U.S. and abroad.

I am irritated today.

I attempted to join, and be a part of, the meetup days. hosts the boards in order to get these things together.

Of course, I discover not only is the head of Nebraskans for Kerry a member, as is his son,  a member but another supposed 'conservative' member is planning on voting for Ralph Nader.

Obviously, this is not something I will continue to participate in, with these spies, traitors, and quislings sitting in on meetings, lying to people in order to disrupt things.

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

The Bush campaign went 'dark' this week, because they thought all the focus was going to be on the Democratic National Convention and John Kerry, so no reason to spend money on a losing cause.

Of course, the Kerry campaign has now making their candidate look like an absolute idiot in the past three days.

It started with 'the pitch', or I should say, the inability to pitch. It has now cascaded into 'BunnyGate' and as one website has put it "I was for taking those NASA photos before I was against it."

The only thing that would be worse for the Kerry campaign is to have Willie Horton show up and give a speech at the convention, at this point.

This campaign is definately turning into 'Bush vs Dukakis II: The Lt. Governor Strikes Out'. I expect the victory margin at this point to exactly mimic Bush-Dukakis, as long as Bush does the right thing and pulls out Willie for a reappearance.

This is a warning to delegates attending the Republican National Convention at the end of August:

While the Democrats cannot stand being insulted by Triumph the Insult Comic Dog, you will be expected to kowtow to the fat buddha of socialism, Michael Moore, as he attempts to make you look stupid and ignorant as he reports for USA Today.

Yes, I know what tactic Moore is planning on using, and that is the same technique he used on Bill O'Reilly. Unfortunately, like O'Reilly, if you are not ready for it, you are going to be made to look like an idiot. Moore constantly badgered with one question, that O'Reilly kept ducking, asking O'Reilly if he would sacrifice his child to get rid of Saddam.

O'Reilly never would answer the question straight out, thus putting the 'no spin' reporter into a tailspin of monumental proportions.

Here is the response to give Moore: "If it means removing a ideological follower of Adolf Hitler, a man who killed thousands of women and children, who tortured people for just looking funny at him, then the sacrifice of one life, even my own child, to accomplish that task is worth the pain and suffering it would cause me."

Moore's response to this will be something about a recruiting office, and your reply should be on the lines of: "My child is a sentient being that can make up their own mind about joining the military. Is it not what your side advocates, the 'freedom of choice'? Why don't you join, Michael, since this is tearing you up so much? You could use the exercise."

I expect you won't be bothered by Mr. Moore for the rest of the convention.

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

I have to give kudos to on these:

6:00pm - Opening flag burning ceremony.
6:30pm - Trubute to Kerry by his butler.
6:40pm - Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
7:00pm - Tribute theme and infomercial for Heinz Foods.
7:10pm - Collect offerings for Sandy Berger Defense Fund.
7:20pm - Ted Kennedy proposes a toast
7:25pm - Tribute theme to Florida.
7:45pm - Anti-war rally no. 2. (Moderated by Michael Moore)
8:00pm - John Kerry presents one side of the issues
8:25pm - Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
8:30pm - Using a voting machine workshop.
9:00pm - Gay marriage ceremony.
9:30pm - Slim-Fast Snack Break
10:00pm - Flag burning ceremony no. 2.
10:15pm - Re-enactment of Kerry's fake medal toss.
10:30pm - Cameo by Dean 'Yeeearrrrrrrg!'
10:40pm - Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
10:50pm - Pledge of allegiance to the U.N.
11:00pm - Double gay marriage ceremony.
11:15pm - Maximizing Welfare workshop.
11:20pm - John Kerry presents the other side of the issues
11:30pm - 'Free Saddam' pep rally.
11:59pm - Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
12:00am - Nomination of Democrat candidate.
12:01am - Ted Kennedy proposes a toast
12:03am - Ted Kennedy drives girls home..........
1:00 AM Ensemble Booing of Boy Scouts
1:30 AM Fellating the Hyphenate Vote
2:00 AM Interns Demonstrate a lewinsky.
2:00 AM Carville Spin Workshop
2:20 AM Al Gore Dials for Dollars
2:30 AM Kumbaya moment with Jesse Jackson
3:00 AM Raffle for free partial-birth abortion.
3:30 AM Address by Ssndy Berger on protecting national security
4:00 AM Live video feed: Osama endorsement

I don't know how many of you remember, have heard of, or have participated in what's called Model United Nations. This is a program, sponsored by the UN, where students take the role of various countries in the world and act like they are actually in the United Nations.

I have participated 4 times in my life in Model United Nations. The first time was back in 1985. Back then, I was the delegate from...Iraq.

Yes, Iraq. Since then, I've also played the delegate from Japan, and Luxembourg twice. Every time I have played, the issue of terrorism has come up...and I stopped going in 1990. During this time, I heavily researched terrorism, terrorist acts, and terrorist organizations. Moreso than a certain group currently holding a convention in Boston ever has, it is obvious from the speeches last night. At least, moreso than former President Carter.

I bring this up because President Carter is the main reason we are in the situation we are today with Osama Bin Laden. It was under President Carter that we started propping up the Saudi government's oppression of their own people. We started selling them F-15 jets, to offset and counterbalance our sales of the F-14 to the Shah of Iran, who was supposedly our ally at the time. Carter's policy of not getting involved doomed the Shah, causing Iran to fall to the fundamentalist movement.

The fundamentalists were oppressed in Saudi lands, and saw Iran as a great victory. They figured that if one fundamentalist group could take over a powerful nation, then they could pull off the same in Saudi Arabia.

Instead of pulling out our embassy staff until things chilled out, Carter ordered them to stay put. Thus, when the embassy was taken over by the radical students, and then Carter's ineffectiveness in either negotiating a release or freeing them with the abortive military action, it showed the United States was just a paper tiger. We could be pushed around by the fundamentalists. This again emboldened the fundamentalists in Saudi Arabia.

Then, when the Soviet Union was being defeated in Afghanistan, it was President Carter who first ordered the aid to the mujahadin. This aid kept expanding as the Soviets sank into their own quagmire. The fundamentalists saw a way to get funds, by fighting the Soviets, but stashing away the cash for later use. President Reagan expanded the program even farther, on the philosophy of the 'enemy of my enemy is my friend', which was a mistake. This is when Osama Bin Laden moved to Afghanistan, to build up his anti-Saudi forces by using the money given to him by the same people still propping up his true enemy, the Saudi government.

Throughout this time, however, and up to today, terrorist organizations worked together. The Japanese Red Army, on the behest of the PLO, hijacked 2 Israeli passenger jets. The IRA was getting training in PFLP (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine) camps in Yemen. Splinter groups formed, like Black September. Then, Iran and Syria joined in the mix, creating 'Islamic Jihad' and Hezbollah, to act in their interests.

Meanwhile, the Taliban was organizing in Afghanistan, in order to perform what the fundamentalists did in Iran. After the Soviets left, the Taliban used their saved cash to get the equipment to take over the country, despite opposition of the majority of the mujahadin groups. Osama used the Taliban as a cover for his own operations, now becoming a major terrorist threat against those who helped the Saudi government - primarily, the United States.

My point here is this: the vast majority of our problems in the Middle East were caused by President Carter's administration. So when he gets up in front of the French Party (as Ann Coulter calls them) and claims the United States has lost the 'trust' of the world, well...he was the one that started the problems in the first place.

Monday, July 26, 2004

The schedule of the Democratic National Convention tonight:

6:00pm - Opening flag burning ceremony.
6:05pm - Pledge of Allegiance to the United Nations
6:10pm - Secular words by Revs. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton
6:30pm - Anti-war concert by Barbra Streisand.
6:45pm - Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
7:00pm - Tribute theme to France. (Surrender To Me)
7:10pm - Collect offerings for al-Zawahri defense fund.
7:30pm - Tribute theme to Germany. (Deutchland Uber Alles)
7:45pm - Anti-war rally moderated by Michael Moore.
8:25pm - Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
8:30pm - Terrorist appeasement workshop.
9:00pm - Gay marriage ceremony for male and female couples.
9:30pm - CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN urge defeat of President Bush.
10:00pm - Posting the Iraqi Colors by Sean Penn and Tim Robbins
10:10pm - Reenactment of Kerry's fake medal toss.
10:20pm - Cameo by Dean 'Yeeearrrrrrrg!'
10:30pm - Abortion demonstration by N.A.R.A.L.
10:40pm - Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
10:50pm - Special thanks to the New York Times & Washington Post.
11:00pm - Multiple gay marriage ceremony for threesomes and groups.
11:15PM - Maximizing Welfare workshop.
11:30pm - Saddam Legal Defense Fund pep rally.
11:50PM - Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
12:00pm - Nomination of Democratic candidate.

NEW: 5:00am -Ted Kennedy Will Conduct a Swimming Class.

Time to get ready for the four day media lovefest of the Democrats and their convention.

In some ways, I am really glad the normal network news programs are not covering more than an hour a day of the convention. It gives them less time to praise Kerry and indoctrinate the sheep that watch the coverage. If you are planning on watching the convention, either for curiosity sake or because you need to raise your blood pressure, I would boycott the networks entirely and watch CSPAN, who does not interrupt things with moronic interviews, rear-kissing, or anything other than their biased call-in show before and after the convention and during breaks.

The news media is going to portray this convention as a 'positive' convention. We all know this is a farce - the only reason Kerry is getting the poll numbers he is, is because it is all about hating Bush. Just like how the modern Democrats hide the fact their party has turned into the Socialist party, the Democrats are going to try and hide the fact their entire agenda is 'beat Bush' and not anything positive for America or Americans.

Of course, the Democrat spin machine is already churning out that a crew member of Kerry's boat...did you know he was in Vietnam?...was going to speak about veteran's issues today. Wait a sec, isn't the appointed spokesman for Vets issues on the Democrats side Senator Max Cleland? Where is he? Well, he's not one of the 'beautiful people' that Kerry's team has selected to put out in front to show just how handsome their supporters are. Instead, we get Ron Reagan, who has always been a liberal and gay rights activist, and people like Ben Affleck, the Hollywood elitists. But, both of them, and others on the slate, are photogenic. This is why Michael Moore, George Soros, people like Max Cleland, etc. are not speaking.

So, you are getting a phony picture of the Democrats, from the phonies in the news media.

But then, that is par for the course. Do you hear anything from the media about who the largest corporate donors are to the DNC? They are, in no particular order: Viacom (who owns CBS), Time Warner (who owns CNN), General Electric (who owns NBC), and Disney (who owns ABC). Seeing this, of course they are going to give the most favorable coverage to the Democrats. In addition, all four companies livelyhood is dependent on actors, actresses, etc. Gee...the Hollywood elitists, who are supporting Kerry.

Do not be surprised by the biased coverage. The media is not only following their political biases, but also kowtowing to those who control the purse strings.