Thursday, August 12, 2004

On days like these, I wish I could run for political office. The amount of wishy-washy coming from Republicans is just amazing to me. Thank god for people like Ann Coulter, David Horowitz, and others out there that have stopped kowtowing to niceties.

I cannot run for political office due to four factors:

  1. My grades in college, especially my first college, were low
  2. I did some things back in my college days that George W Bush would call 'irresponsible'...not drinking, smoking, or drugs, though...but still would be damaging to any sort of political aspirations
  3. I have had bouts of depression that required medication
  4. I don't have the finances
The other three could be counteracted by the fourth, but alas it is not to be. Thus, I am stuck being a web designer for local government, when I want to be out there kicking liberal butt.

The reasons I think I would make a good elected official...NOT politician:
  1. I can motivate and lead people to greater things. (Been proven)
  2. I know proper English language, both for speaking and writing, though I do tend to speak like a construction worker more often than not (my dad was a construction worker for many years)
  3. I can give rousing speeches in front of people. I did so in 1985 at the Young Americans for Freedom convention (I wish that organization would restart...the College Republicans just aren't doing enough IMHO)
  4. I won't BS people with what the problems are in America and how I feel they need to be fixed
  5. I've worked in government bureaucracies for a number of years, and know where the red tape blocks real progress
  6. I am a conservative, but with a few libertarian leanings on some issues...NOT drugs, though!
  7. Though I am not a church goer, I believe in God and that God should not be excluded from either government or education, as God's teachings form the basis of morality that is the foundation of both
I wish I could run at this point. America needs those like me to become elected officials, not the rich wimps and lawyers.

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