Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I've been doing a lot of Twittering this month, but very little on the blog end of things. I find that Twitter is a great little product, where I can type my thoughts as they come to me in 140 byte-sized chunks.

But I need to explain a bit about my last couple of Tweets.

Today, Wednesday, August 27th is when Barack Obama's VP pick, Joe Biden, speaks at the convention. Tomorrow, Barackus Husseinus Obamatine speaks at his mock Roman stage ala Invesco Field. The news media is going to be swarming all over the speech, analyzing every little tidbit they can on Friday.

In the process, McCain's VP pick is going to be buried.

For maximum effect, McCain needs to come out today, by 2:30 central, and announce his VP choice. This will get the media to start contrasting the two VP candidates against one another, where McCain's choice should win the comparison. This totally disrupts Biden's speech bump that will lead into Obama's speech tomorrow, and forces it to not be buried on the back pages on Friday, when the media is having their orgasms of delight over whatever Obama says.

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