Forty eight years ago, due to the fact certain individuals could not read the Constitution, Congress passed the Civil Rights Act.
Around the time of that action, and the various marches and demonstrations, Martin Luther King spoke the words "I have a dream." He dreamed of a world where skin color made no difference. He dreamed of a world where 'content of a man's character' was what defined him in society.
Forty years later...
We have a black political candidate who, like other 'leaders' in the community cannot get over, not only forty years ago, but 140 years ago. Martin Luther King asked for men to look forward, to propel our country to greatness. The popular black leadership have no desire to try and move forward, just mire all of us in the past.
Mr. Obama claims he is for change, but the only change he wants is a change to a socialist police state. He associates with those who advocate a violent overthrow of the country he's trying to become president of, and yet the media is so afraid to report on this because they may be labeled as 'racists'.
Because we whites are so afraid of that label, we're going to let Obama get a pass on his true politics. In order to avoid 'offending' people, we're going to end up with Karl Marx.
All this race talk is being used to obscure the truth about Obama's politics. I admired Martin Luther King, who was shot just before I was born. Martin Luther King was a great man, and those that truly emulate him, I respect. I've read the 'I have a dream' speech dozens upon dozens of times. The entire point of that speech is 'Let's move forward, into the future, and make the world better for all of us in the American Way.' It was not 'Let's push backwards and start racial divisions and impose the worst economic and social environment possible to destroy the American Way.'
Remember, folks...popular elections heralded in such prime examples of Obama's politics as Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Hitler, and Mugabe.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Posted by Unknown at 11:14 AM