Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Iowa, here's the appeal:

Vote for Fred Thompson, Mitt Romney, Alan Keyes, or Duncan Hunter.

Although I do a lot of Romney defending here, I cannot say I'm sold on him. Keyes and Hunter will be out of the race by the time I get the chance to vote, unfortunately. Iowans, you have that chance.

On the Democrat side, none of the above, or write in Joe Lieberman, Ben Nelson of Nebraska, or someone else that actually holds the principles of FDR and JFK. None of your current choices do that at all. They hold to the principles of Che Guevarra, Josef Stalin, and Mao Tse Tung. The Republican candidates are bad, but the Democrats have much worse.

Hopefully, this country will still be around in four years after this fiasco and we'll get someone with a clue to run and stop the slide that starts November 2008.