Single-issue candidates should never be elected to political office. That has always been my motto, even though I have supported candidates verbally in the past who are single issue.
In this campaign, we have not one or two, but five that I can see running. Two, Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich, are running solely on withdrawal from Iraq. The reason I call these two single issue is it dominates everything they do, and when you look at their positions on other issues, you know you cannot elect either to the presidency. Ron Paul would not have voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and thinks the emancipation of slaves by Lincoln during the civil war was illegal. Kucinich wants a communist state, and sees ufos in his spare time.
Three others also are single issue, but have yet to go through the scrutiny of their beliefs like Paul and Kucinich. One, Tom Tancredo, has withdrawn from the race. He was running solely on the immigration issue. Though immigration was important, Tancredo could have shown his conservative credentials better if he got off the subject every once in a while.
The last two single-issue candidates are both Republicans: Mike Huckabee and Rudy Guiliani. Sorry supporters of both, but Huckabee's only credentials is his opposition to abortion. Otherwise, his views on other subjects mirror Hillary Clinton. How can Republicans focus just solely on abortion and hope to win, when the president has little to no influence on the reversal of Roe v Wade?
Guliani is running as the mirror opposite of Paul and Kucinich, in that he's running on his record concerning 9/11. But when you start looking at his other positions, those not being broadcast to the voters, he's not that much better than the Democrats.
Thus, I'm down to Fred Thompson, Mitt Romney, and Duncan Hunter. I wish Duncan had the cash flow Huckabee received just by being endorsed by Chuck Norris. This race would be good then, as I think Duncan is one of the best candidates issue-wise. Instead, we conservatives have Fred Thompson, who is portrayed by the media as 'Sleepy' from the 7 dwarves, and Romney, who since he is Mormon has to fight against bigotry by those supporting Huckabee and has some shakey credentials himself since he's a 'born again' conservative (using the religious analogy).
Honestly, though, I'll take a neo-con Romney over 'sleepy' Fred at the moment, but that may change. Fred's statement on Pakistan was right on, but Romney's wasn't bad either.
Please, though, folks...stop with the Ron Paul and Mike Huckabee bandwagons. Neither would make a good president. Look deeper than their one issue and use logic, not emotion, to decide who to vote for.
The country depends on it.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Posted by Unknown at 10:55 AM