Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The National Review endorsed Mitt Romney today for the Republican primary.

After reading that endorsement, as well as the transcript of the Hugh Hewitt interview concerning it, I think may give Mitt the push he needs to go forward.

I've been waffling a bit on my own pick, seeing what was going to come out. Yet, I've been on the Mitt mailing list from the start. I did not know why at the time, but Mitt seems to pass most of my litmus test I mentioned a few days ago in this blog. It is definitely turning out Mike Huckabee is not fitting the test, with all the incidents concerning immigration and furloughs that are coming to light.

A small minority may attack Romney on his religion, but I will tell you one thing. I have relatives that are Mormons, as well as friends that are Mormons. They are about the nicest, most likable, people that you will ever meet. They are generous to a fault. I have absolutely no problem with voting for a Mormon.