Is it too much to ask for to have a real conservative actually in the race for president, that could poll more than 2%?
This is the most frustrating election ever as there are no candidates until you get to Duncan Hunter that would get my vote at any other time.
Here's all I am asking for:
1) A Candidate that will protect innocent lives. By this, I mean both protect society from murderers and protect children from abortionists, as well as sex offenders.
2) A Candidate that understands we cannot have people with no medical history, and no way to determine whether they violate #1 above, running over our borders without restriction.
3) A Candidate that realizes protecting our citizens does not need to go to the extremes of the supercomputer in I, Robot, who basically wanted to imprison everyone in order to better 'protect' them from themselves. This includes forcing things like government-run 'programs' to 'help' people, thus making them slaves to the system.
4) A Candidate that believes interfering with life in the home, and in private, is only applicable in a situation where lives are being put into direct danger, not indirect danger via second hand smoke and other trivial actions
5) A Candidate that realizes we are the enforcers of political and personal liberty in the world, and thus we must act against those who oppress their people. Totalitarianism cannot be defined by the words 'left' and 'right', there is either freedom or oppression no matter the basis of the supposed political beliefs.
Five key traits I want in the president. Rudy violates #1, Huckabee violates #2, many candidates violate #3 and #4, Ron Paul violates #5. The only candidate that fits all of these is poor Duncan Hunter, who is being ignored by everyone because he doesn't have a strong personality and can't get the fundraising to offset that disadvantage.
On the Democratic side, I've yet to find a candidate that even adheres to 1 of those traits I've listed.
Thus, when it comes to the general election, I'll vote for the person who matches the most of those five traits I've listed - therefore holding my nose to do it. But, I would much rather have someone that agrees with a few of my positions than none at all. Some would argue I should not vote then, but I cannot let a person who believes in none of the five have a free ride.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Posted by Unknown at 8:36 AM