My prediction:
After Iowa and New Hampshire, we'll be down to four Republicans:
Rudy Guliani, Mitt Romney, Fred Thompson, and Ron Paul
I honestly think Huckabee and McCain will show so bad in both, they'll drop out. Who they endorse might make things interesting, but I expect McCain to be the only one giving a push and that push going to Guliani. Paul will remain in for a while, due to his internet following, but eventually he'll bow out or go for an indie run.
We'll be down to five Democrats:
Hillary Clinton, Barak Obama, John Edwards, Bill Richardson, and Dennis Kucinich
Richardson will only be around to try to make a good showing, in order to try and get the VP slot from Hillary winning. If Obama wins, or Edwards wins, the other will be the VP slot. Kucinich will ride it to the end, even though his only chance is to get all the pod people and Elvis to recruit on Mars for votes.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Posted by Unknown at 1:31 PM