Monday, July 19, 2004

You have to just love the misreporting by the media...
The media is liking to tout just how well John Kerry is doing raising funds. Most of the time, they are saying just how great Kerry is doing compared to George W 2000.
Okay, let's look at the REAL numbers:
Kerry has raised $148.5 million. Yes, this is better than George W Bush in 2000, but...
Bush has raised $214.7 million. You NEVER hear the media talking about that. Bush also has more cash on hand than Kerry, and has far less debt. This is not a good sign for Kerry, as it means Bush has the funds to keep going when Kerry runs short.
The media is always trying to tie Bush to special interest groups.
However, this is where Kerry has the numbers. The Joint Victory Campaign, ACT NOW, Media Fund, and Democratic Governor's Association total more than $69 million. The nearest Republican campaigns - the Republican Governors Association and the Club for Growth - total $25 million.
Stephen Bing, Peter Lewis, and our friend in socialism George Soros contributed $23.6 million...3 people control one third of the cash Talk about being beholden to special interests. (The AFL-CIO, Service Employees International Union, American Federation of State/City/Municipal Employees, John Harris, Andrew Rappaport, and Sierra Club also had fund transfers to the Democrats in the millions). As a comparison, Ralph Nader has only gained $1 million in contributions, total.
Where is Haliburton? Not even in the top 10. So, how can the liberal claptrap continue to claim Bush is beholden to Haliburton? Is, then, Kerry a puppet of George Soros?
Onto the senate: The three largest money candidates for Senate are all Democrats - Marson Blair Hull in Illinois, Chuckie Schumer in New York, and Tommie Daschle in South Dakota. Arlen Spector in Pennsylvania has recorded the highest amount of any Republican. Hull has garnered more contributions than Gephardt, Lieberman, Sharpton, and Kucinich, even. Including Bush and Kerry, Hillary only comes in at 22.
What does this conclude? The party beholden to special interests sure isn't the Republicans, for one. It shows Haliburton is not the player people claim it is. It shows that though Kerry is doing well in donations, Bush is still doing better though the media is not reporting that side of the story.

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