Thursday, February 06, 2003

With 'friends' like these, who needs enemies...

France and Germany, as well as the Hollywood drug addicts, are still against taking Iraq to the cleaners. This is despite the overwhelming evidence, of which only a taste was shown by Secretary of State RINO Colin Powell. RINO, for those who do not know the term, means 'Republican In Name Only'. Jim Jeffords had the title before he switched to the 'Backstabber' party called 'Independent'. Lincoln Chaffee has that moniker now.

People keep saying how we 'bailed' France out of World War II, and trying to say France should help us. Guys, wrong war. We bailed France out of VIETNAM. That should ring a bell to the Left, shouldn't it? Vietnam was caused by the French mucking things up in 1956, not the US mucking things up in 1964 like so commonly believed. France has been notoriously unreliable ever since they helped us in the American Revolution...and the only help they gave there was one General (Lafayette) and a fleet that bottled Cornwallis at Yorktown...after we had almost already won in the first place. They helped monetarily, but only a few French risked their lives to help us out.

That's the same situation we have today. France won't lift a finger against their oil supplier, Iraq. They may give some cash under the table and maybe in the end send a token force so they don't lose out on the spoils once Saddam gets his head crushed by the American-British vice. That's all they will involve themselves.

Germany has more than enough issues on its own to not want to get involved in things. Their socialist economy is going south big-time. Unemployment is rising through the roof. To save face, the German leadership has to appeal to the kooky, loud fringe called the Green Party to survive. The Greens are anti-capitalist, of which the US is the great capitalist nation. Thus, the German leadership tries to survive by dissing the United States. Of course, they also realize that we won't be moving our military bases anytime soon. If that was a threat, they'd change their tune in a heartbeat...Germany's economy would be non-existant if they had to pay the full price for their own protection and lose the revenue from American military stationed there.

The other two permanent Security Council representatives, Russia and China, will come onboard eventually. Both countries have muslim extremist insurgencies happening within their borders, unlike France and Germany. Once the definitive links from those groups to Iraq are shown to them, they will reluctantly back the United States and United Kingdom. Russia will probably send 'observers' to help oversee the transition from insane to sensible government. China has another issue to deal with in North Korea going nutso, so they probably won't actually join in.

Lastly, though, we have Hollywood. Where guys who make bloody war movies speak out against war. (Viggo, are you listening?) Where big-nosed entertainers that can't even buy their own movie tickets to the local theater are trying to tell the rest of America how to spend their money (Barbara, are you listening?). At least I was one class short of a Political Science minor in college, and have been following politics since I remember Richard Nixon giving his 'I am not a crook' speech. I have worked for the government for over 12 years. I think I have a better perspective on things than a millionaire singer, who reads Mother Jones magazine.

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